What about science?
A common claim is that science proves that the world is billions of years old. Unfortunately for those who believe it, this is actually a lie. The Scientific Method involves three things, that which is observable, testable, and repeatable. One cannot scientifically observe billions of years and there are way to many unknown variables to even be able to accurately guess how accurate various dating methods are.
While man may hypothesize that the world is billions of years old, it is beyond the scope of true science to actually prove that. What many compromising Christians seem to forget is that this belief is also used to "disprove" the Bible, which is part of the foundation of our faith.
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Great video. You spoke truth and brought light on this subject. I love how you point out that they can be off by a million years and still consider it to be accurate. Stay encouraged and be blessed.
I'm glad you point out the scientific method, evolution is not based on that at all!
Both evolution and creation are beliefs, we can't prove scientifically either one but at least we can admit that creation is a belief.