Especially to the point where you will no longer consider what is actually written.
A recent event reminded me of a potential pitfall that believers can fall into. Basically, some people get so familiar with scripture that they no longer actually read what it really says. Because we may think we understand what God said, far too often we quote from memory rather than read, or refuse to even reconsider the actual words on the page. This practice becomes all the more harmful in a group setting.
Also, if any of you enjoy these videos, please feel free to subscribe to my new channel Spiritual Food 4 Thought and share these videos wherever you think people may either enjoy them or need them. Thanks everyone!
I agree. One must be open minded enough to hear His voice and new perspectives. Be blessed. @papa-pepper
@papa-pepper, Excelente reflexión, En muchos casos tomamos la biblia como algo místico en lo que seremos partícipes, nos excedemos y llegamos al extremos dejando de ser racionales o dejando de actuar simplemente por la fe, creo que la biblia es muy clara y práctica, en ella tenemos mucho por aprender sobretodo de su sencillez! Agradecido por tu post, seas Bendecido en TODO!.
I helped start a church around 7 years ago, then 5 years ago or so I discovered the Sabbath, when I asked for a meeting about the Sabbath just to talk about it guess what I got? When I got to the meeting no one had their bible but me and when I tried to show them some things from the Bible itself all I got was commentary from an article that they were all using. They were so sure of themselves that they didn't even want to consider it. There is more to this story, hopefully I will be able to share it with you in person one day!
Happened to me once when trying to discuss how unbiblical a "pretrib" rapture is... Far too common.
Here's an excellent commentary:
Leave it to ol'barncat to post a link to a COMMENTARY on a post by @Papa-pepper about actually reading the Bible. Its as if the cat thought, "what is the exact OPPOSITE of the point of this post, THATS what i am going to comment about.
Seeing as he never responds I thought maybe the picture you created would have been inserted in the comments here @dwells! Fine he doesn't believe it so why bother commenting??
Once again you post false statements and back away from them slightly.
No, we should become extremely familiar with the Bible. We should know it completely and let it saturate our thoughts and our lives.
Once again I'm concerned that so many people follow you despite your ignorance of proper theology. No, we're not under the Law. I don't have to stone blasphemers to death. Or marry my brother's widow to produce a child for him. Or bring animal sacrifices to the Temple to pay for my sins. Or observe the Sabbath. Or keep the dietary laws.
You are right, you dont HAVE to do any of those things you said. You have free will and you can choose to obey God or disobey God. The only thing you will HAVE to do is live with the consequences of your decision to obey or disobey.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Matthew 7:21-23 NKJV