Is there really no one else more important?
I was recently just considering the emphasis that is put on self-centeredness from an early age. As soon as children can respond to a question it seems the questions begin to teach the children to focus on themselves. If they will one day have to deny themselves and desire His will to be done, this seems like a step in the wrong direction from the get go.
Also, if any of you enjoy these videos, please feel free to subscribe to my new channel Spiritual Food 4 Thought and share these videos wherever you think people may either enjoy them or need them. Thanks everyone!
Until next time…

...and the best way to teach children is by example.
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I so agree with your message. It is not about us but it is about God. We are servants to Him. thanks @papa-pepper.
Great thoughts. I think that is not only a great teaching for kids not to focus on self but on what Our Father wants. It is also a great reminder for each and every adult to focus on the Fathers Will and not our own. I know I need to be reminded of that. Keep up the good work brother
Excellent question...I know I heard that when I was growing up! I also agree with @bowentroyer that it is a great reminder for adults too!
powerful and often difficult food to swallow , raising children in the spirit Christ is necessary for stronger reunification with God