一燈螢然 萬籟無聲 此吾人初入宴寂時也 曉夢初醒 群動未起 此吾人初出混沌處也 乘此而一念廻光 炯然返照 始知耳目口鼻皆桎梏 而情欲嗜好悉機械矣 (前 146)
A lonely lamp flickers like a firefly, and all the sounds of the world are silent. Now is the time for us to sleep comfortably. Consciousness awakened from dream at dawn, but not all movements of the world have occurred yet. Now is the time for us to get out of the chaos. Here, if turning the light back inside as insight, you can recognize that the eyes, ears, nose, and tongue are all root of hardships, and that emotions and preference are what ghost machine had made. (Book1 146)
The Man Mchine
The five senses are called our enemies. We live with the enemy.
Vegetable Root Discourse
Source of Original Text1 | Source of Original Text2 | English Version1(Out of Print) | English Version2(Out of Print)
This is like super interesting and it is driving me crazy because I can't see the letters. Do you have a bigger print or something?
If you do please URL?
Thank you!!
Thank you. It is Chinese meditation book. Not a direct translation but a paraphrase in my own way, so there may be errors.
Vegetable Root Discourse
Source of Original Text1 | Source of Original Text2 | English Version1(Out of Print) | English Version2(Out of Print)