What is liberation...

in #spirituality3 years ago

以我轉物者 得固不喜 失亦不憂 大地盡屬逍遙 以物役我者 逆固生憎 順亦生愛 一毛便生纏縛(後 94)

A person who deals well with things is neither rejoicing when he gains it, nor is he worried about what he loses. All is his playground. A person who were dealt by things hates things that doesn't go his way, and likes things that follows his way. Even the smallest of things locks him in. (Book2 94)

Seeing equally in the face of suffering and pleasure to be called liberated. plus no stains in mind.

Vegetable Root Discourse

Source of Original Text1 | Source of Original Text2 | English Version1(Out of Print) | English Version2(Out of Print)


Sad to see you back to votetrading and farming hive post rewards with very low effort content on a daily basis just to fill the votetrading quota, not to mention lack of attempting to build genuine connections for better engagement.

very low effort content on a daily basis just to fill the votetrading quota

Sad. my daily base efforts and foods for thoughts to translate original old text till now were devaluated by your perspective without notice. I don't agree on your judgement that they are very low efforts. You didn't consider my ENG. writings as second language user. Never less effort it was.