Crazy is like Heaven. All the Best were Crazy

in #spirituality6 years ago

Crazy is like Heaven. All the Best were Crazy as that I AM. Normal People always Judge Crazy. Crazy means to be Weird and not Normal as They want You to be. Crazy means to be Yourself, regardless what They think of You. God Knows that I Am Crazy and that's Enough for Me to be Crazy as that I AM. Eye Need no One's Approval to be Crazy an Eye won't Explain My Crazy to no One. To be Crazy maybe does not Look that I AM at Peace, but to be Crazy means to be at Peace with Everyone and Everything, so much at Peace, that You do not Care how They Judge You, what they think of Your Crazy and You never Explain Your Crazy to Them, but let them be according to Norm, You are at Peace and You Dare to be Crazy Unapologetically, whatever They think. All the Best were Crazy. Crazy as that I AM. In India Eye met Greatest Teachers Who were Crazy and never Normal. They did Craziest Thing, that many would even take as Offensive in Spiritual Circles of Puritans, but God Loved their Crazy as Crazy as that I AM and that was enough for Them to be Crazy as that I AM. Eye learned from the Best and most Crazy so on the End eye became as Crazy as that I AM. To dare to be Crazy means toKnow Yourself. Not Crazy of this World, but to be Crazy as that I AM. Divine Madness is Highly Honored in India, most then Anything else, Crazy Saints are Considered on Highest Level, for Crazy as like Heaven and They Know it. 2 People can be Crazy, One is on the Lowest Stage of COnsciousness, Crazy of this World, but another is Crazy as that I AM up in Heaven. To be Crazy means no to Answer and Explain Yourself to Men Who Judge Your Crazy, but to be Crazy as God wants You to be from the Heart, regardless what They Think, Crazy One Knows that God Loves the Way that I AM Crazy. Enlightenemnt and Crazy go Hand in Hand, for Enlightened Man is at Peace with Everything and Everyone and Himself being Crazy from the Heart. Enlightenment means, that God Knows that I AM Crazy, so I AM Crazy as that I AM. All the Best Eye ever met were Crazy, but Normal People always Judged Them and pointed Fingers at Them, saying how can You be Crazy, when YOu are at Peace with Everything. They were so at Peace, that They showed Them even more Crazy and never Explained Themselves to Normal. Crazy means that I AM Unique, Raw and Authentic as My Heart Desires.Greatest People in this World Who left Greatest Mark had no Problem with showing You there Craziness. Great Geniuses, which Memory is Timeless. Normal People always Judged Them, but Guess what. World Remembers the Crazy One's and Judgment of those Who wanted them to be Normal is Forgotten in Time. Normal means to be according to the Norm. Crazy means to be as Crazy as Your Heart Desires and be Yourself, regardless what Normal Think. Normal is Normal, but Crazy is Outstanding. You have to Know Yourself and be YOurself to be Crazy, regardless how They Judge You, You are Crazy as that I AM and God Knows it, that I AM Crazy as Above co Below.

I AM most Crazy. If You Think about Me, all what You are to get about Me are Your own Illusions about Me, that have nothing to do with Me, but Everything with what is Inside You, yet if You Feel My Energy, You are to get the Word that I AM, Love that I AM. IAM Allergic and Beyond the Comprehension of the Mind, so Crazy Eye confuse the Deepest, Yet Eye go Crazy to Confuse those Normal that still have Norms how We should Act and how We should be, so They can Judge. Eye may go on Fire like Fire Tornado and appear most Caothic, but Central Point of Tornado that I AM in my Heart is always at Peace. I AM that Peace, Love. Eye may Cuss like a Saylor or a Man Living in the Hood, but My Heart is Completely Pure and only Sweetest Love in the Heart that I AM. Eye may be annoyed with Men and Write about it and put on a Show of Emotions for Greater Teaching, appearing like Eye went totally out of Control, but I AM always in Control of My Show, totally at Peace with what They do and regardless what Eye do, Eye See They are not at Peace with Me being Myself and Me being as Crazy as that I AM, so Eye give Them more of My Crazy Emotions. I AM not My Emotions. I AM Transcendental to My Emotions, putting up the Crazy Show that I AM. Eye have Bad Temper and it can go on Fire on Someone Easily, it may appear for Nothing, yet small Things are Cause of Greatest Suffering and Entanglement in the Matrix of the Mind, so Eye go Crazy as that I AM. Eye can go on Fire with Bad Temper, Yes Eye can, but I AM never Angry an Eye Love Everyone as Source Loves Everyone. What Hate is, Eye do not even Know. Everyone is Forgiven whatever They do and whatever Eye do to Teach Them a Lesson as much as Eye go on Fire and Crazy, Eye always Love them unconditionally. I AM at Peace with Everyone and Everything, but Eye have My Crazy Ways to Teach, so They really get it. If You Feel You are to get it, if You Think, well Welcome to Your Norms and Illusions then. I AM the Weakest, but I AM the Strongest. I AM Powerless, but I AM all thE Power that I AM. I AM a Little Girl Soft and Sweet so Tender and Volnurable, but I AM also an Old Man, so Serious and Full of Power as that I AM. I AM a Comedian, like a Child that I AM, but if You Judge My Comedy, Eye turn into an Old Man and get Bad Temper to Teach Them what Happens, Eye get so Serious, when They Judge our Comedy and Craziness so Old and Serious, They turn Childlike Heaven into Old Man's Hell and someone has to Teach them, that They are turning Heaven into Hell. I AM a Man Living very Simple Life, no One in this World I AM really, but Eye act like a King. Eye Fall an Eye Pick Myself Up. Eye need no Advice from anyone, but Eye chastize Myself. Eye go on the Wrong Path and I AM Teaching Myself and Chastizing Myself that I AM. I AM My own Guru. I AM Paradox of Creation. Eye can go Completely Crazy Expressing all the Emotions, appear out of Control and People may Comfort Me and Try to Calm Me down, but I AM Crazy as that I AM, I AM not affected by My Transcendental Emotions, Eye put up more Crazy Show of Emotions. It looks like Great Crazy Men like Salvador Dali and our Crazy Ways are forgotten in this Serious World. Yet I AM still Crazy as that I AM, for Source does not want Me to be no One Else but that Crazy Man that I AM and Crazy Woman and a Child that I AM too. Eye can get like I AM on Pms, for I AM Crazy as that I AM. I AM most Sensitive and most Crazy as I AM.

I AM My Higher Self, but My Higher Self is more Crazy as I AM, so Eye can be only Crazy as Eye really Trully AM and God Knows Who is to Blame, for I AM that I AM. If You Judge My Crazy, Eye go even more Crazy, so You can Judge more, Eye don't Explain Myself, God Knows still that I AM Crazy as that I AM and I AM Laughing. As Above so Bellow, I AM Crazy as that I AM. God Pissess on My Head from Laughter for I AM Crazy as that I AM, so let Them Judge, Eye just got Blessed. Eye Bless with Piss, Eye never Miss . Eye depend on the Crazy Image that Created Me and no Created Confusion about Me. Crazy is like Heaven. All the Best were Crazy. Krishna was most Crazy of Them all and He did not care what They Think. If They Judge My Crazy. Eye always show them more Crazy that I AM. To be Crazy means to be Yourself and do what Your Heart Desires for Greatest Things to Happen. All the Best One's were Crazy in History and they did Greatest Things, being Crazy as that I AM. Those Who wanted them to be Normal are forgotten in Time. Be Yourself, be Crazy. Let us go Crazy as that I AM and let us do Greatest Things as Crazy as that I AM, regardless what They think. Eye give You My Word. For I AM Crazy as that I AM an Eye Know it. Eye do not Need no One Approval to be Crazy and Crazy One's never Explain Themselves. We are Crazy as that I AM and God Knows that I AM Crazy.

  • Purna Ananda 30.01. 2019 ©


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