We should not Hate the Dark. We should not Fight the Dark. We should not run away from the Dark. Kingdom of God is within us. And Darkness in this World is just a Reflection of the Darkness within the Kingdom within us. We have to go deep within and Face our Darkness in Love Now on the Light. Kingdom within is the Cause of the Kingdom all around us. We have to Heal our Darkness in Love Now on the Light from the Heart. We have to return our Darkness back to Light in Love Now, so opposites Unite in our Heart. We have to Forgive the Darkness. We have to stop having Enemies. We have to Stop the Separation. Stop the Illusion. Enlightenment means to be One with God that I Am Source of Everything that I AM.
Separation of the Dark and Light is Illusion of this 3D Matrix of Illusion lost in Time, where Darkness and Light Fight to be Right. In Higher Dimensions there is no Separation. God has no Enemies. We have to return the Darkness back to Light in Love Now so opposites Unite, so this world may ascend beyond the Separation as we ascend. Everyone is Loved by the Source and has Divine Purpose in this Game to take You to Light. Their is nothing to Forgive, even if You ask Me, but Everything and Everyone to learn from.
I AM the Source of Darkness and Light. Source of all Sources that I AM. There is nothing Separated from God that I AM, Source is One with Everything, for Source is Source of Everything that I AM. Only in this World of Illusion, opposites fight in Time. Wold of Illusion. Everything is Part of the Source and comes from the Source. Everything returns to the Source. Source is only One that I AM. Nothing is separated from God. Enlightened Being is One with God that I AM the Source, so how can something be separated from that I AM. Enlightened Being has no Enemies. Everyone is forgiven long ago. Kingdom is within us. As We face our own Darkness on the Light in Love Now in our Heart, as We forgive and Heal our Darkness and End the Wars within us, We ascend beyond the Illusion of Separation. We heal the Separation and End the War between Darkness and Light in the World. Untill We have enemies, this War is to go on for ages in Time. Illusion must end in Love Now. Nothing is Separated from the Source, only in Illusion of separation it appears so in the World of 3D,
God has no Opposition. Everything comes from the Source and is Part of Source. God that I AM, Everything returns to the Source that I AM. Source of Everything and One with Everything, that I AM. As Rumi has said, do Know that Darkness and Light are the Dance of Love. We cannot ascend into Living God that I AM and embody the Source if We run away from our Darkness within us. We cannot ascend if We think something is separated from the One- Well We have right to remain in the world of Illusion and Wars, but Eye inspire us to get Free. Source Consciousness means to Real Eyez, that I AM the Source and I AM the Cause of Darkness and Light and everything has Divine Purpose in Creation. As Opposites Unite within our Kingdom, We end the Fight. Opposites Unite within the Kingdom as One, Darkness and Light Unite in Love Now from the Heart and I AM Love Now as it was on the Begining, so it is on the End in Love Now. No more separation. Only Love Now.
Would We see the Stars shining and the Moon, if there was no Darkness? Would we even search for the Light, if there was no Darkness? No. So even in this World our Darkness made us run to the Light, Yet True Higher Dimensional Purpose of the Dark is to serve as Background, so Her Gold may Shine. Sun sets in the Evening and Enjoys Her Shine in the Dark and does not disturb Her Golden Shine. Dark Sky is Example of Serving the Light, for if it was not Dark Sky, You would never See Stars shining. Dark Sky doesn't fight with the Moon and the Stars to destroy their Shine, like Darkness of this World does in Illusion. Dark Sky supports the Stars and the Moon, Gold of the Goddess to Shine in Love Now from the Heart. Dark Sky has Purpose as Background and it is not in Separation and Illusion of this World, but Serves as Divine Masculine to Support the Golden Shine of the Divine Feminine, the Golden Goddess. Darkness has to return to the Light and find it's Purpose again just as Dark Sky has Purpose.
We have to Face our Darkness and return it to Light, so opposites within us may Unite and We ascend into that Mighty God is a Living Human Being, the Embodiment of the Source that I AM, uniting and Healing al the Darkness within us with the Light. We have to become Love once again and stop the Fight. And as We Unite opposites within us, return our Darkness back to Light, We are Love Now and as Wars within us end in Love Now, Separation of the Dark and Light in this World is to seize. Nothing is separated from the Source. Only in this Illusion of Separation it appears so, for Darkness has no Purpose and hates the Light that I AM. They hate Themselves only. God that I AM One with Everything, but Darkness in this World forgot the Truth that I AM the Source. It is up to us to face our Darkness and Heal it from the Heart pr stay in Separation and Illusion of 3D. It is up to us to Heal and stop the War within us, so Darkness in this World may get Healed and Wars may end In Love Now from the Heart in the World as Opposites Unite. As We heal our Darkness and return it to Light, Darkness in this World can be Healed and returned to the Light, so opposites of this World may Unite and Thy Heavenly kingdom of Love may come from the Kingdom within You.
So we can have Purpose again and just like Krishna, Darkness is to Say; „Eye only turn My Light off, not to disturb Her Golden Shine, so Eye can derive Pleasure out of Her Golden Shine There is no Purpose for that I Am, but to Rejoice in her Golden Shine of the Light that I AM. Eye don't want to disturb Her. She is that Everything that I AM nothing without. It is Her Light that You see Shining on all that I AM and without Her Golden Light, I AM nothing.
Heaven on Earth. No more Separation of Darkness and Light. Darkness and Light is returned to the One. Sun is kissing the Moon on the Bright Night Sky. Al Wars End as Illusion End and Kingdom within us Healed in Love No. Opposites are United in Love Now as One. As it is on the Beginning at the Source that I AM, so it is on the End Now within the Kingdom within Youz as You Beloved Angel Heal the Darkness within You and Ascend into the Source that I AM, cause of the Darkness and Light.
Don0t hate the Darkness, don't run away from it, but Face the Darkness in Love Now and Heal. Forgive the Darkness and Face it so within You, so YOu may Heal. There is no Darkness to Face outside of You, but Kingdom of God is within You. Kingdom of God is within You. As You forgive the Darkness within You and Heal all the Darkness Within You, Opposites Unite in Your Heart and there is no more Separation and Illusion. No more Fight. We have Right to stay in 3D of Separation, run away from the Darkness and Fight the Dark, but My Choice is not to Teach us how to support the Separation, but how to ascend out of Separation in Love Now form the Heart. Kingdom of God is within Your Kingdom, Forgiven and Healed in Love Now, Opposites in this World Heal in Love Now and all the Wars Stop. And Thy Kingdom may come. Kingdom of God is Within You.
- Purna Ananda 19. 09. 2018 ©
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be beginning instead of begining.shut up and thank u