May You Ascend into Who You Truly are. That I AM.

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

We are speaking much about the Ascension of Your Self from 3rd Dimension to 5th Dimension. Ascension out of Your false Self, that Suffers in Time into YOur True real Divine Self that Loves Now in Joy in the Moment, Free of all the Separation and all the Illusions of 3rd Dimension that do not Feel pleasant . Awakening into Your Divine Self is not yet Ascension, it is in Fact just a Start of the Art of Remembrance and Embodiment, Ascending Master still deals with Illusions and Karma of this Matrix, Ascended Master is Free of Karma and Illusions of this World and serves as Light for others to get Free of their Cages and also ascend into the Glory of their True Selfs as Above, so Below. To Ascend means to Ascend our Consciousness out of Separation of 3D, we have been for long Ages in Time into Unity and Love Now of 5D, To ascend means to come out of the Darkness and Ignorance on the Light of Truth and becoming the Truth Embodied Yourself in Action, Feeling, Word, Thought, Vibration, Movement and Your Complete Being. To Ascend means to rise Your Self out of Ignorance of the Disconnected from the Source Mind in Darkness to Enlightenment in Light of Love of AllKnowing God that I AM, that You really are. That I AM that I AM. As Above, so Below. To no more be a Slave of this World and others, but Master of Thy Self. Yes, Enlightenment. To ascend means to log out of this 3D Matrix. of Inverted Illusions and Separation. To stop Living in the Mind,disconnected from the Heart, where that I AM in Love, Source of all Sources that Knows everything and start Living in that Heart, Your Sacred Heart, One with God that I AM on the All-Knowing Light, while Your Mind is just a Golden Instrument of Your Golden Heart, where that I AM You Know Everything. To become One with God, to Embody God that I AM in Your being, beyond all the Mystical Separation of Higher Vibrations, but being that Word of God that I AM, Action, Thought, Vibration, Feeling and Movement, You Your Self. To Ascend means to rise out of Ignorance of speculation, beliefs, opinions and calculations of the Mind, stop Living in YOur Mind and get Born into al Knowingness, that I AM in Your Heart, that I AM You. To Ascend means to Enlighten Your Mind with the All Knowing, Al Loving Light of Love and Creation of God, that I AM in Your Heart and Living, what You truly are. Divine Being, One in Love with God that I AM, as Above so Below.

To Ascend means to release all Your Illusions and Attachments that bind You to others, to release all the blaming of others and victim mentality for Darkness and Separation in Your Life. To no more be Victim of this World and others and become a Master of Self, by taking Full responsibility for all the Situation that You are in, Knowing, that You created everything and You can not even Blame Your Self, but Master Yourself in Full responsibility. To Ascend means to Empty Your Cup of all that I AM not and get filled with Light of Eternal Life, Love and Be Who You truly are, that I AM. To Ascend into 5th Dimension means to stop serving this Matrix out of Fear as a Slave of this World and start following Your Heart and doing what Your Heart desires out of Love Now only as a Master that God Knows, that You are. To Ascend means to lose the Fear and Be that Love that You are Yourself in Your Vibration, Action, Movement, Word, Feeling and Thought To Ascend means to leave this Maya, Illusion and start Living in Love Now on Heavens on Earth. Kingdom of Love of God is within You. Eye give You My Word. In Reality, You are Ascended as that I AM Above, yet You forgot in Time.

May You Re-Member and be Who You truly are. Love, that I AM. May You all ascend in this Now into Your truest Authentic Divine Selfs and let go of all Illusions, that You are not and I AM not. I AM You. Trust, Faith, Patience and Work on Yourself and so much Love for Yourself is needed and surrender to that God that I AM in Your Heart Knows Best regarding Your Gradual Progress as You are at Peace. All You have to do in this Now is leave the Tiem of Past and Future, Illusions and Know that YOu are Best as You can be this Moment Now. God Knows. May You Ascend and be Your Self that I AM, and do what Your Heart desires and not always what others want from You to do. May You step into the Power of Your heart, that I AM and always do what is in Your Heart and may You never, ever go against Your Heart. May You Ascend into YOur True real Divine Self as You respect choices and Free Will of others as You respect Your own never taking the Power from anyone away and not allowing anyone to take Your Power away. My You Ascend by Being Love, Faith, Trust and Patience that Works on Your Self, Your Self as You focus on Yourself and Stop focusing on others and You are to Ascend in no Time in this Now in God-given Best Time and Way, Trust and be at Peace, Do Your Work from the Heart and in this Love Now in No Time, You are to be Who You were meant to be and You Forever Ever in Love Are. Love Embodied. Ascended Master form heaven on Earth. Eye give You My Word. Amen.

  • Purna Ananda 15.07. 2018 ©


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