Never Think You did something Wrong, when You Know You did not. Angels do not Explain Themselves and Answer only to the Source

in #spirituality6 years ago

You are an Angel, Baby. Angels explain Themselves to no One and Answer to no other, but to Source, that I AM in My Heart, that I AM in Your Heart, they Answer to no One else, but their Heart and Explain Themselves to no other. Source Knows Your Truth in Your Heart if You Know Your Truth is Expressed out of the Place of Love and Childlike Purity, if others See something else and act like they are Your Authority and You have to Explain Yourself to Them, do Know that They cannot See the Purity of Your Heart Expressed and They only See their own Darkness, that has nothing to do with You and Everything wit Them, it is an Attempt of Energy Vampirism. Never accept their Authority and never explain Urself, never Answer to Them if They Challenge You in any Way. Angels Assist only those that Open Their Heart in Loving Respect and can Receive Their Gifts of Love. Angels never explain Themselves and Answer to no One. Angels are never Victims of Energy Vampirism. They do not take the Energy of others, We are Full of our own Source Energy and We do not allow anyone to try to Consume our Energy. We Answer onyl to God. Energy Consumption is any Attempt of getting Your Energy in a Negative Way through Challenge and Opposition, any Attempt of getting Your Attention through Ways that do not Feel Good and You did not ask for it. Angels only give Energy to those that Respect Them and Love Them with Open Hearts, those that never have Need to Approve od Dissaprove Them. They are Aproved by the Highest, Glorified and Celebrated, no One else Sees Us really for Masters that We are, but the Source, so We Explain Ourselves and Answer to no other, but that I AM in our Heart and no other. Source Knows the Purity of their Heart and They Need no One elses Approval. Heart is One and Only Authority of an Angel, Angels Explain Themselves only to Their Authority and Answer to no One else but their Heart. If anyone is Disturbed by our Actions and Movement and Challenges Us, Judges Us, Opposes Us, or They are just Seeing something, that We never did and throwing it at Us, We do not Explain Ourselves and Answer only to Source, for Our Truth does not Change According to Confusion of those that cannot See our Truth. Our Truth remains Truth at the Source that I AM, untouched by Human Illusions. .When someone Challenges Me in any Way, I AM not Silent, Eye write Rthem and Essay, shorter, but just like this Word that I AM. I AM the Truth Word that I AM and Truth does nto Change according to what others Think. God Knows. Lion Roaars,

Also You have to be Your Best Friend. You have to be Your Best Support and Project out that People Love You and See You for Who You are, for You are not only Good enough every Moment, but You are the Best, that You can be and Source never Thinks You did something Wrong, when You Know You did not in Your Heart.. You should not Think that You Offended others by Your Behaviour when in Your Heart You Know, that You have given Love ony and no One actualy told You, that You did something Wrong, but You Yourself told to that person if You did. We are Creators of our Reality. We do not want to Create that People think, bad about Ourselves. But if We are Bad to Ourselves, We attract just that. All You have is Yourself and You should never lose Your own Support. For You can have World Full of Fans, but if You are not Your own Greatest Fan, You need no Haters, for Your own Support is more Powerful then Million Supporters, if You do not Support Yourself and You are Your own Hater instead of Fan. Please do not be Your Enemy be Your Best Friend. Mind is Accusing You, so do not Trust Your Mind. Let the Mind Accuse Itself, You are not Your Mind, Beloved Heart. Others Love You and those Who do not and Accuse You and Judge You, They do not belong in Your Life, so Cut Them out Now and don't look back. You are the Best You can be, Learning the Best You have to Learn, for just the Best Lessons for thre Soul Growth in School of Life that You can get and You are the Best and Everything is the Best from the Soul Level, for just the Best You Need. Love Yourself and See Yourself in others as Source Sees You. Do not Project, You offended Them, but Know You have given Them Love and Know Your Love is a Great Gift, for God Knows Your Love in the Heart that I AM and no other. Never Apologize for being Love that You are. Never Apologize for being Love. Never. You have to Love Yourself more. Guilt is within Blaming You and it comes out of Trauma in the Mind, Negative Programming through Lifetimes through Experiences when People did Judge You and Accuse You. Many were burned Innocent, while being Pure Love of God, but Accused and Sentenced to Death like Evil Witches. Many carry this Program within this Life and Project the Trauma which is Unconscious out in Fear that People are to Accuse Them and Blame Them, Judge Them for being Love. Never Apologize if They Accuse You even, Love does not defend Herself, God Knows the Love and They don't. So if no One Accused You and pointed a Finger at You, please never point a Finger at Yourself, implying, like You did something Wrong, when You Know You did not. In Your Heart You Know, that You have given Love, so if no One is Accusing You, do not Accuse Yourself, but if they do, Read the 1st Paragraph again so many Times that You become the Word that I AM, the Truth that does not Explain Myself to no One but Source that I AM in My Heart and no other Eye Answer, but My Heart.. I AM writing this for someone Lovely and Sweet, Heart incapable of Hurting and Disrespecting anyone, Who was thinking that My Post is Directed at Her and She in some Way Disrespected Me with Childlike Comedy and Silliness which is Sure Way to Heaven, but in their Heart She Knew Eye have only Love for Her and nothing else but Love for Her. In Pointing a Finger at Ourselves We turn Childlike Play in Grown and Serious Business. Eye may point out the Energies of Guilt and not enough Self Love and Respect Eye See in You, but thi Separated energies are not You, but something that has to Heal by being Addressed, for Eye Love the Pure Love that You are and You can never Disrespect Me. And if someone does, Trust Me, Eye always let Them Know. Until someone acts Differently Know that You have given Love if You Know You did and when They Accuse You of anything else, do Know that Angels do not Explain Themselves and Answer only to Source, so Walk away and let Them explain Themselves to Themselves.

And if You are Projecting out the Idea that others Think that You did something Wrong and You Explain Yourself, You Apologize, when You did nothing Wrong, Your Ego is giving Your Energy to Negative Beings to Consume, You are being a Victim of Your own Ego, for You Know that you did nothing Wrong in Your Heart, no One accused You of anything, but You are Apologizing and Explaining Yourself like You did and only One Accusing You is Your Ego. There are 2 Sides of the Ego, One side that takes Power away from other and other Side that takes Your own Power away. In this Case, You have to Work on Yourself to Love Yourself more and Dive Deep within to uproot that Guilt that Blames You for nothing in it's Root, You have to Work on Yourself to Love Yourself more and See Yourself as the Best every Moment, Working on Yourself that You Know You are always Good enough, You are always the Best Ego. Love Yourself from the Heart. Ego is telling You that You are not Good enough, but when You Project it out to others, they do not even Know what You are talking about and what You Think about Yourself is Illusion, for They are Like, „what, but Eye Loved what You did so much.“, for Your Mind is telling You that You are not Good enough out of Past Life and this Life Trauma, Past Programming and Terrible Experiences in Past Lifes, that are not to happen again this Life. Guilt is within You and only One Accusing You is the Guilt, Demon, that Sucks Your Energy and if You Apologize, Explain Urself for nothing and act Guilty, when You are actually Pure and Innocent in the Eye of the Source and Glorified, celebrated as You are, You do not need anyone outside of You to Hate on You, Judge You, Accuse You, the Enemy is within and that's Why You have to Uproot the Guilt, the Original Sin and Heal Your Self in Unconditional Self Love, for God Knows You are the Best every Moment and if You did nothing Wrong, You Know You did nothing Wrong, Source Knows it and You Need no other Approval and no One to Understand and Know Your Truth, but the only One that matters, Source of all Sources, that I AM in Your Heart and no other. You need no other Approval but the Approval of Your Heart, for Source is in Your Heart, that I AM that I AM, that I AM You. Angels do not explain Themselves when Challenged and Answer only to their Heart, so please Stop Apologizing and Explaining Yourself, for Love Knows Your Heart for Sure. Be the Truth that I AM. Truth does not defend itself and explains itself and no One can Challenge the Truth for God Knows the Truth and Lion Roars.

Apologize Yourself and Explain Yourself only when You Know that You did something to others that You would not want to be done upon Yourself and You Feel You must, for You just do not want to act like that again. Even Eye Apologize sometimes. If Eye Know Eye acted in a Way that Eye should not. Eye Free Myself. f You Know You did nothing that would Violate or Disrespect anyone, never Explain Yourself, never Apologize, even if They want to Crucify You. Source that I AM Knows, Love Knows, God Knows the Truth and their Lies do not matter, however You call the Source Energy, God Knows and You need no One else's Approval, but the Approval of Your Heart for that I AM there, Source of all Sources, One and only that Really Knows You as You Truly are and whatever others See, only Source that I AM, only that One Knows Your Truth, that I AM in Your Heart and You Know when You do Wrong for God Knows, so if You Know You did Love even if everyone else Sees their own Illusions and Their own Darkness, Source Knows Your Love and Your Pure Light and no One else can really Truly Know You and cannot Change the Truth with their Lies, even if entire World would turn against You, Source still Knows the Truth of Your Love in Your Heart that I AM and Truth of Your Pure Love would not Change, even if entire World would See their own Darkness in Your Light. Explain Yourself only to Source that I AM in Your Heart and no Answer to no other. You are an Angel, Baby.

Purna Ananda 27.06. 2019 ©



Enjoy the vote and some free shit!

You have been rewarded with some SHIT! Take a trip to the bathroom to stake and manage your worthless tokens.