You are not a Sinner. Guilt is an Original Sin. You do not have to be Saved. Love Yourself as Source Loves You

in #spirituality6 years ago

You are not a Sinner. For You to identify Yourself as a Sinner is Old Trick of the Dark to keep You in Guilt, Feeling Unworthy and never Good enough, so You remain the Slave of the Matrix of Separation and never Achieve Your Magnificence and Perfection of God that I AM. In Gult You are Doomed to always feel Worthless about Yourself, insignificant infront of the Master, never Good enough and always ashamed of Your Fallen Existence. With Such Mentality, such Programming You can remain a Slave and a Victim only Forever and never become a Master. Guilt is the Original Sin. Guilt is the Program, that keeps You locked in the Original Sin and Guilt is the Original Sin, yet Guilt is not Your Sin. It is Sin of Masters of Time, that have made You Feel Guilty and Judge Yourself that You are Sinner, so YOu never would Rise to Your Divine Magnicinant Perfection of God that I AM. When You feel Guilty, You actually accuse Yourself, Judge Yourself and Sentence Yourself to everything, that You think, that You are Guilty of. Remember, We are the Creators of our Reality. If We are Guilty, We for Sure Create Prison and Punishment for Ourselves as We sentence Ourselves to Chains of Guilt and Sin. Guilt is the Original Sin, for in Guilt, You Hate, Blame, Accuse and Judge a Soul, that Source of all Sources, that I AM that I AM unconditionaly Loves, Honors and Respects as One's Self, therefore Guilt is the Original Sin, for You Hate on someone that God Loves unconditionally, on Yourself. In Reality there is nothing to be Guilty for. for Everything is just a Game of Experience of Dimensional Realities within the Free Will Zone and every Choice is unconditionally Honored and Respected, just as the Choice to Experience certain Dimensional Reality and the proper Experience, according to the Choice, may it be Dark or of Light is served to match the Vibration of the Choice. Yet regardless the Choices, regardless the Experiences of Suffering and Darkness Every Soul is Loved and Honored and Respected by the Source that I AM and there is no Judgment. Everything is just a Game, an Experience and from the Eye of that I AM Everything is just Neutral, no One is Guilty of anything, Every Choice is Honored unconditionally and Everyone Respected and Loved for Who They are and as They chose to be. Zet the Reality is served according to the Choice, but it is not Punishment, but just the Experience of the Choice of Vibration, We have chosen. Guilt is the Original Sin, for in the Eye of that I AM no One is Guilty of anything, but Everyone is Loved unconditionally, no One is Judged, for I AM only Experiencing Myself that I AM through Multidimensional Experience of the Reality through all the Dimensions of Vibration through Everyone that I AM. I AM Everyone that I AM and through Everyone I AM Experiencing the Multidimensional Reality that I AM. No Judgment, only Experience of that I AM. Guilt is the Original Sin, for Guilt keeps You locked in that Low Vibrational Reality, that You Feel Guilty of, for Guilt is very Low Vibration and if You feel Yourself as Guilty, You Sentence Yourself to very Low Dimensional Realities of Experience. To Love Yourself every Moment and Know that You are the Best is the Key, for You to Rise to Your Greater Heavenly Glory next Moment. You are the Best this Moment and You did the Best this Moment. You can only be better next Moment, You are the Best Now and if You Love Yourself and Know, that You are the Best, next Moment, You are to be a lot better, but Now You are the Best as You can be and God Knows. Self Love is the Key and never Guilt. Guilt is the Original Sin, but Self Love is the Key to Your Heaven. If You declare Yourself as a Guilty Sinner and Hate Yourself, if You put Yourself down, saying to YOurself how Bad You are, You do not need Haters in Your Life, for You have Yourself. if You Love Yourself and Know that You are the Best, if You are Your Best Friend as Source that I AM is Your Best Friend, You Love YOurself as God Loves You and Haters can do nothing to You, for You Know and God Knows that You are not Guilty of anything.

You must Know that everyone, every Moment in Time, always regardless their Choices, Darkness or Light, Joy or Suffering, Love or Injustice, is Experiencing, doing and learning just about that very Best Thing, that They have to Experience and go through at this Time Now and is absolutely the Best Thing on the Soul Journey this Moment, that They can do and They can be this Moment. The Experience is exactly the Best Thing what Soul needs to experience this very Moment in Order to learn, and Master just that Lesson of Life, that it is needed and regardless what You are going through, regardless how bad or good You think, that You are and Experience to be, regardless what is Happening in Your Life, it is exactly that very Thing, Best Thing, that You have to Experience and learn, just this very Moment and regardless what You are doing, regardless how Low in Vibration or Elevated High it may be, it is the Best Thing that You can do and go through this Moment and You are the Best, that You can be this very Moment, You are the Best. You cannot be better, just as everyone else is the Best as They can be this Moment, regardless the Light or Darkness that They are doing, Everyone is the Best as They can be, Learning exactly the Best Thing that They have to, going through the Best Thing possible and needed for Growth of the Soul just this very Moment, regardless if sometimes it doesn't appear to be like that. Guilt is the Original Sin, for Everyone is the Best as They can be this Moment in Eyes of the Sources that I AM and Loved Unconditionally for the Magnificence of Their Divine Existence, regardless how Human Mind may Judge or Praise Them. Guilt is the Original Sin, for You, Me and Everyone else, regardless how We See Them is the Best as They can be in the Eye of God that I AM.

You are not a Sinner, You do not have to be Saved. When You think of Yourself, that You have to be Saved, You Automatically declare Yourself as a Victim. Victim of Your own Sin and Dark Forces in this World. Zou declare You do not want to and cannot do anything about Your Situation. When We want to be Saved, We actually declare that We are Victims and We can do nothing to Heal our Spiritual Darkness within us and Darkness in our Life. We declare, that We are Sinners and We cannot Change. In wanting to be Saved, We lock ourselves in the Matrix as Slaves, that We chose to be for there is someone Who is Purest and so Greater than Ourselves, but We are not and Great and We cannot ever be and only the Saviour can Save us, We cannot do anything about it. But Truth is that if We want to be Saved, We do not Follow any Great Master that We Cry to Save us and Jesus, Krishna and no Master can Save us, for every True Masters came in this World to show us the Process in Their Example on how We can Save Ourselves by following Their Footsteps and become Greater Masters as They were and do Greater Things as They did. Victims want to be Saved and Victims never become Masters. They did not want us to be Victims Who have to be Saved, but They have only shown us the Divine Magnificence of God that I AM, that We all are, Our own Great Magnificence. They have shown us Who We really are and Great Things that We can do They shown us. They served just as a Mirror of Divine Perfection that We all are and They have given us the Process, Instruction and Their own Example on how We can Save Ourselves and become Masters by stop being Victims of Our Ego and this World and become Greater Masters as They were and do Greater Thing as They did, It takes One, Who wants to be a Master to Work on Himself and follow the Footsteps and do whatever it is needed to Save Oneself, it takes Great Power and Surrender, Dedication of Self from the Heart, but only a Victim, that does not want to Work on Themselves and wants do nothing to Change has to be Saved. To Save Yourself and be Greater Master the any Master Yourself is not Ego and something that would go against God, but very Thing that Source wants from Eye an Eye, so We may do Greater Things for that I AM You. To be a Victim, that has to be Saved is all what Source never wants from You, We are here to be Greatest Masters in History of our World, to do Greatest Things. Eye give You My Word.

  • Purna Ananda 19.02. 2019 ©

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