Greetings Brother!
My apologies if you have found my words bitter. Don’t you think you’re just reaping the fruit of what you sow?
To make this conversation more sensible, I believe you better find an accurate interpreter to carefully translate for you this portion of my comment …
“Furthermore, almost two decades ago, I was baptized at the LDS church and became an official member of the same church. However, I TURNED LESS ACTIVE after a few years due to some queries about the doctrine. But, such thing never gave me the right to call the million Mormons in the world who are doing great things for others NARROW-MINDED CHRISTIAN, simply because I fully understand what RESPECT means.”
And this…
“I am replying to your post NOT TO DEFEND MY FAITH, as I’ve said earlier, issues on religion requires a proper forum, but, to DEFEND THIS COMMUNITY. With your broad mind, do you think your post (using photographs owned by the LDS Church) and other posts like this will inspire others and help make Steemit a healthy and reputable community?”