in #spirituality7 years ago

It's been a long time since I had a heart to heart with the steem community and my journey through this life. It has been a very rough past few months for me. Life has been pushing me down and i've been allowing myself to be pushed.

As some people may know who follow my blog, I have been going through some marital issues with my spouse. This has been one of the hardest things i've had to endure in my entire life. Psychologically it is hard to grasp going through these kinds of issues with someone you care about, it's been very rough. Although the pain has been here for some time, through it all I have tried to keep a level of awareness so I can understand what life is trying to show me.

What Is life trying to show me?

For some time now I feel as if I have been going through a very serious spiritual awakening. A changing going on inside of me that I cannot help but listen to. It is a nagging, forceful feeling that is pushing me toward an area of thought that I never felt was possible. I have a very different way of thinking though, and i've tried to find spirituality in the Bible in my past, and it only lasted but so long. My way of thinking doesn't really tie into what is considered to be normal in this western society we live in. Because of this I began to read things on eastern spiritual practices like buddhism and hinduism. Upon listening to and reading some of the information about these spiritual belief systems, I realized this is exactly how I've always felt my entire life!


Sadhguru is an amazing man, a Yogi and a Mystic and I have been enthralled in his speeches and meet ups, binge watching them on youtube. He has opened up a door inside of my mind that I cannot close now, I have walked through the door and got a peak of what's inside and I want to see more. This guy has life down pat the way I've always known life to be. He says things that I have said to people before about life, he talks like someone who I have already learned from. If you are into life, and philosophy and deep thinking then I think you'd love Sadhguru and his approach to spirituality. Here is a good video from him:

Where am I headed now?

I am not sure, I am still caught in a limbo of spirit world and material world. It will be hard to fully give myself to my spirit, but ultimately I know that I must. I just don't know when that is going to happen or where it is going to lead me. I have been thinking about traveling to India and studying with a Guru or Yogi. This would be an amazing and wonderful experience if I did, and I know i'd come back a completely changed person, As if of right now I am still going throughs some life issues, handling those things while going through this is not easy. But I feel like the universe is bringing me closer and closer to realizing what all this is for, I just hope it happens soon.

Thank you

I want to give thanks to the universe and to the people who have been supporting me through all of my bullshit and all of my pain, the ones who have never stopped believing in me and knowing that my heart is true. Peace and blessings to you all.


Good Information bro ! thank you very much

thank you for reading man

Can you Upvote my post men ? I upvote you

Sadhuru has nothing to do with spirituality. Rondonson try to learn Bhagavad Gita as it is. Sometimes this guru quote this book , but never appreciate one , who speaks in this book( I mean Krishna) Who is real goal of true seeker . I see you are intellegent man, so try to go deeper . Try to understand who is Krishna really is , from the proper sourse .

Please don't come and tell me these things, with a bias in your heart. I get what you are trying to do, and thank you for trying. But the reason why my spirituality is my own is because I don't follow one guideline, I follow my own. I will check out the person you have mentioned though, and I still will continue to listen to Sadhguru.

This is your life, you can listen whatever you want / Please, no problem, I don't want impose you anything. Still apply your intelligence and go deeper .
Bg 7.19:
bahūnāṁ janmanām ante
jñānavān māṁ prapadyate
vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti
sa mahātmā su-durlabhaḥ
After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare.

In the beginning of spiritual realization, while one is trying to give up one’s attachment to materialism, there is some leaning towards impersonalism, but when one is further advanced he can understand that there are activities in the spiritual life and that these activities constitute devotional service. Realizing this, he becomes attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and surrenders to Him. At such a time one can understand that Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s mercy is everything, that He is the cause of all causes, and that this material manifestation is not independent from Him. He realizes the material world to be a perverted reflection of spiritual variegatedness and realizes that in everything there is a relationship with the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa.

Great Information ............
Thanks for this,,,,...../////

I watched Sadhguru video. I believe Sadhguru is a great yogi but Sadhguru will show us the road but can not change our life. If we change our lives, we must work.
You see the whole history of gautam buddha what he did for us.

He is a great man, and has opened up a doorway of thinking inside of me that has been dormant for a while.

Sadhguru is a great men for all...

Regarding your personal problem I advise you to be strong and try to channel the problem, that is, learn to see the positive side of this evil

@merryslamb thank you for that. I am definitely trying to be strong throughout this journey.

Learn to release the heavy loads that bind you to a past.
This way you will feel that your backpack is lighter for the trip of the life

@merryslamb I LOVE THIS! you're so right too..thanks alot

you're welcome
I never deny good advice to someone who needs it

Any spiritual journey must come from within and be true to your heart. I wish you the best on your journey.

exactly man, thank you for the kind words

excellent post

Sadhguru is the truth!! Been listening to him for a while now...

@opinizeunltd yo he is my g! lol..I be going ham on his videos fam.

I hope you come back for the challenge homie, and If I owe you sbd please let me know

Already bro...I was vibing to the beats earlier today

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One of the basis for the spiritual practice is to remember The Four Immeasurable:

  1. May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes,
  2. May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes,
  3. May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss without suffering,
  4. May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger.

I have 9 years practicing the karma kagyu tradition and we make such wishes in most of our practices.

All the best

Great post with plenty of information. Thank you for sharing! I have had a similar spiritual awakening so I appreciate any information on the topic. I wish you luck and look forward to following your blog.

@reiki-rewind thank you for the words and for checking out the blog man

Each of us is on a journey unique to ourselves and spirituality comes in many forms and guises. Ultimately as long as a person is pure of heart and intention and cultivates self awareness all will be well. I had a spiritual epiphany about 15 months ago and now am fortunate to have the love, guidance and protection of the light spiritual realm. As far as your personal problems are concerned I say to you everything happens for a reason and whilst uncomfortable and confusing, whilst in the midst of it all, go with the flow and KNOW that all will be well. My own life had to seriously unravel before things have slowly started to take their true form once again. Upvoted and followed I invite you to pop by my blog if you have a mo; I am an artist/writer/lightworker with a lot to say :) Be well, courage and love xox

I saw Sadhguru in Boston last summer. He is really an inspiration. Have you read The Autobiography of a Yogi? This book changed my life (and Steve Job's life too hahah). I'm a buffet style spiritualist too so I love learning about all different beliefs and then adapting them into my own life. Yogananda's book lead me to stumble over Sadhguru. Awesome post, love the video too. -Namaste

Words of Wisdom~!!