In our dharma, there are many demigods (Devatas). Sometimes, it appears to be a little problematic to have so many Gods. Few foreigners ask about the varied number of demigods. To add to this, their forms are also varied and strange – some of them have three heads, six hands etc. Among all the Gods, the appearance of Shiva is extremely peculiar. Not only kids, but also elders question about the strange forms of the Gods.
Once, Goddess Parvathi herself had a doubt about Shiva’s form. She directly approached Shiva and put forth her question about his strange form. She asked, “O Lord, when there are so many pleasant, beautiful places in the creation, who do you choose a graveyard for your residence? To add to it, Your appearance is so strange, inauspicious (amangala) and unpleasant (aghora). Please clarify this doubt.”
Shiva answered – “Previously, the bhootaganas that follow me earlier were causing a lot of trouble to the people. So, Brahma and others Gods requested me to intervene and sort out the problems of the people. At that time, I decided to stop wandering from one place to another and instead to reside at a fixed place. The right place was graveyard and hence I decided to stay there. Moreover, those who want to attain salvation believe that there is no superior place than the graveyard. Hence, I stay there and protect all the worlds.”
Then Parvati asked another question – “Why do You smear ash on your body, wear snakes as ornaments, holds axe and trident in the hands and wanders in the world with a very dreadful form?”
Shiva answered, “Parvati, there is only one answer for all these questions. Dualities like heat-cold etc. rule the world. The entire world runs based on the combined effect of the Sun and the Moon. Sree Mahavishnu has taken the pleasant form and I have taken form out of fire energy. The world is balanced only because of both of us. I appear fierce only because my body is made of fire.”
Even though Shiva’s explanation was very subtle, there are many hidden principles behind it. If the elders understand this and explain the same to the kids, then they will understand about the inner meaning behind the different forms of God.
Similarly, Swamiji keeps on singing several bhajans on Lord Shiva. All of them describe the form and quality of Shiva. He is also called “Jagadguru”, “Yoga Guru” and “Formless”. He teaches through attributes (guna) and makes us attribute-free (nirguna).
He is in the form of an atom (Bindu). Shiva linga refers to this atom. IF we understand the subtle essence in His form and learn about it, we will understand about the lion skin that He adorns, the ash (vibhuti) that He smears, the garland of skulls that He wears, the trident He holds and that he who is in the form of fire stays at the graveyard. We will then understand the hidden significance contained behind these actions and forms.
We have seen about the God’s principle in the praises of Tyagaraja and other holy men. Swamiji also has sung in several bhajans. We will understand if we see Swamiji on Shivaratri day. Let us pray out of devotion by keeping our queries aside!
JGD Appaji!!
JGD Om namo Narayanaya
Om Namassivaya!