I bet, I'm spoiled living in MT, I've got the mountains 10 minutes away and a huge trail somewhat near my house. Perks of small mountain towns. Do you have any good parks nearby where you live?
I'm drooling. That sounds splendid! We don't have any parks within easy walking distance, which is a big bummer. Detroit Belle Isle park is spectacular, but it is a 10 minute drive. We try to go often, but getting five kids in and out of car is a good deal of work. Haha.
I really like your point about consistency though. I think building up a ritual and routine really can unlock something. And that's an awesome quote!
I bet that's a challenge! Ya, consistency in all things helps us build up, I need more consistency in working out and projects. Shoulld be easy this summer
What will change this summer? I'm hoping to get some patterns going, but my work is fairly unpredictable. Makes it hard to plan.
I'm moving to 30 hr weeks, M-W instead of flat out quitting, so I will have way more time
That's awesome! I'm really motivated by this. Please keep us all updated on how this goes because it seems that more and more people are looking to that kind of set-up as a possible solution for this feeling of being over-worked. Cheers to you!