Hello lovelies! π
How are you all doing?
Since I joined Steemit, I have usually posted things related to spirituality. But, The way I presented them were of much high level and not many people understood it.
So, from now onwards I'm making efforts to make it very easy for you to get or understand it easily.
I think I'll bring a unique flavour in the community now ~ in a very good way. I will do my best to ground my ideas to make sense with the rest of reality.
Disclaimer: If you're deeply religious person, this post will offend you deeply. If you're a religious person, this is not something you want to be exposed to, unless you want to find the truth and you're ready to put aside all the religious stuff that you've been doing for so many years.
Are you ready to go on a real, personal journey to understand the nature of you and reality?
If yes, let's begin... ||KEEP YOUR MIND OPEN||
Today's topic is spirituality ~ what exactly is spirituality?
In my opinion, Spirituality is about realisation of yourself, of your spirit ~ which is what and who you are at your core. When ego layers, or identities/beliefs/situations that weren't really YOU ~ are released.
Spirituality is about finding yourself/your values and living in alignment with them.
"On the path of spirituality, one ventures to vanquish oneβs own faults rather than to judge others."
To me being "spiritual" is being on the way of reaching your true, authentic self. When you get closer to your "true self", you begin to live a life that feels aligned and not imposed by society, trends, backgrounds and religion.
"spirituality" isn't much about being superior, in the "light" or "more advanced".
There is no program, no syllabus for "spirituality".
But let me tell you something else ~ being spiritual isn't only for oneself and one's own glory.
To me being spiritual is to be a light FOR OTHERS, perhaps to inspire or to hold an energy & smile that allows people to come to you AS THEY ARE.
To me being spiritual could be to seek the ETHICAL life ~ not participating in activities that seem treacherous, unethical or that are based on the misuse of the power or cash of the Powerful.
It could be a thirst for Justice, Equality and Truth ~ Truth in our own lives yes, but Truth at a general and global level too.
Also, to me "being spiritual" is understanding that somewhere we all are the same.
And if we want to go there ~ there are NO RANKINGS, no awards in the Heart of the God/Source .
Spirituality isn't a contest. And if we are "one", then nobody is more advanced than you are.
If it's about finding oneself ~ then it's absolutely NORMAL that people land at different places & express themselves in different ways at the end of the day.
And if it's about finding oneself, and your own unique truth ~ then there is no right or wrong as for the path that you choose to take or the inspiration that you choose to read.
Also, they are MANY WAYS to be "spiritual" and respectful of one another.
Many ways WON'T be found in the specific world of "New-Agey spirituality". This world simply gives tools that one may be willing to use to learn more about themselves.
Being spiritual never had to fit in the boxes of New-Agey spirituality ~ OR this means that someone decided this to create a NEW BOX based on a speech that says absolutely the opposite ~ as the spiritual speech says that being spiritual is to live in one own FREEDOM and truth.
If people sell you rigid boxes by telling you that you are going to find freedom, something is wrong there.
You don't have to fit anywhere to be "spiritual", you can just walk your own way and take information as you go.
To me being spiritual is simply finding one's own wisdom and spreading it, in any human way, in the world.
And if spirituality brings separation and judgments, then I don't want to be called "spiritual", to be honest.
Spirituality in science term ~ is the study of the vibration of a life force.
True, plain spirituality is just simply trying to become aware of your true nature/the essence of reality. This is done by self-oberservation. That's it.
Difference between Spirituality and Religion
Religion is an institution established by man for various reasons. Exert control, instill morality, stroke egos, or whatever it does. Organized, structured religions all but remove god from the equation. You confess your sins to a clergy member, go to elaborate churches to worship, told what to pray and when to pray it. All those factors remove you from god.
Religion: Following someone else's path.
Spirituality: Walking your own path.
True spirituality is something that is found deep within oneself. It is discovering your true nature, the truth about reality. It cannot be found in a church, temples or by believing in a certain way.
For me, religion (especially as practiced in the west) is the dogma of man. Used to control, manipulate and dominate humanity. Each has some divine teachings, but failings as well. Most of all, they create separation! As soon as one person claims "I am this" ~ it implies others are not and creates separation. Some religions try to make people feel 'less than' ~ as if they are not worthy.
Spirituality on the other hand, empowers you as an individual rather than asking you to give your power to an 'intermediary'. You develop your own relationship with the Divine and have your own experiences with it instead of worshipping someone else who had an experience of their own. This latter aspect is also the difference between western teachings (religion) and eastern teachings. That's why the Eastern Teachings are considered "Spiritual Science". They have worked for millions of people for thousands of years!!! The very definition of 'scientific'!
Points to be considered.
There is not one religion, but thousands.
There is only one type of spirituality.
Religion is for those who want to continue rituals and the formality.
Spirituality is for those who want to reach the Spiritual Ascent without dogmas.
Religion is for those who are asleep.
Spirituality is for those who are trying to wake up from the dream.
Religion has a dogmatic and unquestionable assembly of rules that need to be followed without question.
Spirituality invites you to reason it all, to question it all and to decide your actions and assume the consequences.
Religion threatens and terrifies, that includes concepts like sin, hell ~ eternal torture.
Spirituality gives you inner peace, although the ego doesnβt like it being threatened, but the ego is not you, your job is to transcend it.
Religion speaks of sin and of fault.
Spirituality encourages "living in the present" and not to feel remorse for which has already passed ~ Lift your spirit and learn from errors.
Religion represses humanity, and returns us to a false paradigm.
Spirituality transcends it all and makes you true to yourself.
Religion is often instilled from childhood, like the soup you do not you want to take.
Spirituality is the food that you seek, that satisfies you and is pleasant to the senses.
Religion is not God.
Spirituality is infinite consciousness and all that is ~ It is God/Source.
Religion invents.
Spirituality discovers.
Religion does not investigate and does not question.
Spirituality questions everything.
Religion is based on humanity, an organization with rules.
Spirituality is divine, without rules.
Religion is cause for division.
Spirituality is cause for union.
Religion seeks you so that you create.
Spirituality causes you to seek.
Religion continues the teachings of a sacred book.
Spirituality seeks the sacredness in all the books.
Religion lives you in your thoughts.
Spirituality lives in your conscience.
Religion is in charge of the "to do".
Spirituality is in charge of the "to be".
Religion feeds the ego.
Spirituality makes you transcend.
Religion dreams of glory and paradise.
Spirituality makes you live it here and now.
Religion lives in the past and in the future.
Spirituality lives in the present, in the here and now.
Religion gives you promises for the after-life.
Spirituality gives you the light to find God in your inner self, in
this life, in the present, in the here and the now.
Question and Answer
Q. Let's say religion is a path established by someone else. So, if someone say, "Love is my religion". Whose path is he/she walking, as per the definition of religion given above? Because for all I could tell, Love wasn't established or instituted by anyone that others may follow.
A. "Love is my religion." This is way to subjective. It's like saying "Happiness is my religion." There are tons of different and completely unique ways to practise both self-proclaimed "religions".
In religions, you normally have a bound set of beliefs, that are often combined with deities. You usually have some sort of "rulebook" that you follow, you usually have ideas/beliefs about death, afterlife, what you are, etc.
So really...religions are overall pretty static. While what you suggest as an example is not. For some "love" could mean something totally different, than what the next person defines it as.
One side could say "Well, love is a feeling. So, therefore I will let this feeling guide me."
Another side might say. "Love is less a feeling, but more about compassion, action, karma etc."
Q. What transcends the ego of self?
A. It's "self-less" love that transcends ego, to love unconditionally. Well, the only way to really love unconditionally, is through self-observation ~ which may lead to enlightenment. It's to see that you & "reality" are one, and not that you are a seperate self inside reality. Once you have this realisation (the permanent one), then that's where self-less-ness really comes into play.
This is beyond belief systems, ideas and concepts.
Q. What I have learned so far on my spiritual journey?
A. I have learned to embrace fully and open my heart to cosmic love and all that it encompasses... (this is the lesson earth humans need to master.) By allowing this loving light to flow into us from Source and out to all like the waves of the sea ~ we become(s) the channel of this love/light.
I've learned to not react to triggers, instead ask myself why it's triggering me. I do my best to be empathetic to people with different opinions.
My Advice
I would say, do not avoid the darkness but rather go into it deeply, as it is not really darkness ~ it is the unknown. Go deep into the innermost opening of the core into the heart portal, the innermost opening and with a light heart allow it to take one deeper and deeper than ever before to true self.
There may be masks/tensions that appear to keep one from going deeper but mind you they are only masks, which is liken to a cocoon created by you for its own survival and is absolutely illusional. So with laser focus and with the divine river of bliss and divine breath of the heart follow it to source...deeper than ever before.
Gurus are not necessary anymore, the true self is the guru and the true diamond.
It's sad that so many people leave their old belief systems behind to "wake up" and then end up acquiring new beliefs that still are not them: that they need to do yoga, be vegan, meditate at the top of the mountain, etc. I mean, all those things are valid, but only if they FEEL valid to your true self. Becoming vegan or vegetarian when you don't like it ~ is soul crushing, not spiritual. Being spiritual is about ~ being true to your inner truth and listening to your inner voice.
Final words
Let the Truth of You lead. Not what people think, don't seek any kind of approval outside of you. Seek YOU, the authentic real YOU. Do what you do as an expression of who you are and allow all others to benefit from that expression. This is the most interesting, beautiful, difficult, convoluted, sacred, magical, heroic path ever ~ finding YOURSELF.
Posted from Xiomi Redmi Note 4 (as I don't have pc or laptop), If you can donate me some Sbd/steem would help me to get laptop.
Note: All of the above pictures are edited using "picsart app".

Please upvote, resteem & follow @starangel to support my mystical journey. βΊ
@starangel π
We are Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey!
These are things I was thinking about today. Sometimes your posts match my mind so well!
Maybe for your next post I'd like to request your thoughts on the difference between doing and being.
It seems like there is a state of being that gets completely dissolved into doing, where you don't see yourself as the actor, but just integrated with the action.
If you have anything to post about this, I'll read it!
I am very glad @ellievallie! βΊ
I'd definitely post regarding that on my next post. But I can's say when, as I am very occupied with school home work, assignments and exams. It will take me some time to find leisure time for next post. (At present, I just open steemit,
See my post updates, comments and get offline again after replying them.), Thank you for giving
Me topic for next post. βΊπ
I defintely have so much to post about this and many other things. Stay tuned!
Much love, light and blessings. πππ«
I was just doing some research regarding the topic you gave me, and I was stunned by reading this article, as it beautifully explained my thoughts regarding this particular topic. And I don't think I'll add something more valauble than this author of this blog post described here: https://findingacoach.com/being-versus-doing/
This was really helpful.
Thank you!
You're welcome! βΊπ
Wow....nice post @starangel .....keep doing...:)
Thank you! βΊ
Beautiful post, @starangel! This really resonates with me. It takes courage to leave the crowd and trust in yourself. But the reward of living an authentic life is worth it all. Keep shining your light! Love and blessings! :)
Thank you very much, @cosmicangel! βΊ I'm very glad it resonates with you!
Always be your authentic, beautiful self!
You too, keep shining! π Much love, light and blessings to you as well! πβ¨π«
the arts are amazing and suitable on your post
Thank you! βΊ
Awesome post, thanks! A topic I love reading about =]
Thank you and you're welcome! βΊπ
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