I have heard of the water experiment. The water crystallized in beautiful patterns when sent loving thoughts yet it formed ugly and disfigured patterns when sent thoughts of hate. Plants react this way too. I read somewhere about an experiment done with plants that measured their energy output when people would send them loving thoughts or thoughts of trying to harm them. For instance there was measured responses from the plant that showed panic when thoughts arose about burning their leaves with lighters. Profound stuff...further proves that we’re all connected and our thoughts matter.
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Glad you have heard of those. Simply amazing. A lot of people haven't for some reason. I too have heard that about plants and experiments with different music like some were exposed to classical and others to heavy metal. The ones that listed to classical grew and flourished while the ones listening to heavy metal stagnated and some of them even died. Crazy stuff that main stream science is just beginning to understand.
I think I would panic too if someone wanted to burn me with a lighter haha. but yeah all beings have consciousness in them, whether we can detect that or not is a different story. I actually think that the earth itself is conscious. I have been looking more and more into that. Kind of like the movie Avatar if you have ever seen it.