A Scientific Perspective on the Spiritual Shift

in #spirituality7 years ago

So here I am, a man who considers himself quite scientific, about to try to explain the current spiritual shift from a scientific perspective.

A little background… By about age 27, I had adopted an extremely scientific worldview. I had written off previous spiritual experiences as phenomena of the brain. I had heard people talking about 2012 as a time when a great spiritual awakening was going to happen. And I watched it roll by and nothing seemed to change. I wasn’t surprised. Back then, I was convinced Earth was going to hell in a hand basket and no magical day was going to change that.

Then in May 2014, something strange happened to me. I was in the Nashville airport and was suddenly struck with the most amazing sense of clarity and grace. It was the beginning of what would become an incredible spiritual awakening. For the next year, I would be called into meditation for 8 to 12 hours almost every day. In that amazing time in meditation, I experienced and understood where spiritual truth comes from.

My take away is a little different than most who experience the oneness and wholeness of the universe: I’m trying to understand it as a scientist.

Anyways, for those of you who aren’t aware, there is a massive consciousness shift happening on our planet right now. Millions and millions of people are beginning to awaken a state of consciousness which has rarely been accessed in human history. It is the state of consciousness people have described of Saints, mystics, and religious figures. It is called many things – Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, but I prefer the more modern term, Unity Consciousness.

(Unity Consciousness seems to occur when all three thinking centers of the body are working harmoniously together)

I look at whats happening to me, then whats happening to so many others, and I find myself wondering, “What the fuck is going on?” What is creating this “spiritual pressure” that is causing so many people to “wake up,” for lack of a better term. I’ve read a lot of theories. Most weren’t grounded in science, but a few presented scientific evidence. However, it’s hard to say if the scientific evidence is correlated to the consciousness shift because how do you scientifically measure consciousness shifts?

Many in the New Age Spiritual movement are attributing this shift in consciousness to energies changing on our planet and across the galaxy. I’ve read Earth is beginning to move through a “Photon Belt” – a part of our galaxy that is charged with more energy -and many other theories about shifting fields and energies. But I haven’t seen much proof. Much. It does seem that the Earth’s magnetic field is shifting – there is a lot of hard science showing that. But that alone doesn’t explain much.

If we look at the consciousness shift from a sociological perspective, it begins to make more sense to me. We live in a dying world. That has been forced into all of our minds. Along with that realization comes another thought: “what are we doing wrong?” It has created this window where people are able to question the reality they find themselves in. For most of history, people have been so indoctrinated in their culture, they have not had the ability to think outside of what they were taught. Between being on the verge of destruction and the massive influx of knowledge from the internet and Information Age, people are beginning to think differently. They are becoming more open to new ideas. Alternatives from the status quo.

People are growing tired of this wage slavery system. Why in a world with so much technology and abundance are we having to work so hard? This world just doesn’t make sense to people anymore. It lacks meaning and purpose. Perhaps that lack of meaning is pushing more and more people to find meaning in spirituality.

But that theory doesn’t hold up well. I have a lot of “spiritual” friends and acquaintances. Most of them have been on a spiritual path for 30+ years. Almost all of them have been feeling intense spiritual “energy” for the past year and it is getting stronger. None of them have ever experienced something like this. And I can relate.

Many people are experiencing periods of Unity Consciousness, including myself. However, few I’ve spoken to have been able to maintain it on a permanent basis yet. I spent the better part of a week in August experiencing Unity Consciousness. It felt like I was the universe was piloting “Spaceship Prism.” It was beautiful, powerful and filled with joy. I was able to manifest my thoughts insanely fast. For example, I was visiting my family in lower Delaware during that week. Small beach town. One night, my sister mentioned how she would love to have a pet sloth. Random right? I thought, “It would be fun to play with a sloth!” The next morning, my brother and I took our nephew and niece to go get doughnuts for breakfast. Outside the doughnut place was a man with a sloth and a baby kangaroo. What are the chances? That whole week was like that… one bizarre “coincidence” after another. Then I slipped out of Unity Consciousness again.

(My adorable niece holding the sloth)

From this perspective, it seems that something is certainly happening on this planet right now. As per what or why, it is too early to draw conclusions. If you haven’t felt this energy of transformation yet, I hope eventually you do. While it brings up a lot of emotional baggage to be healed, your life becomes so much more magical. It helps you awaken to the joy and love in life. And to be open to this, you don’t need to ‘become spiritual.’ Start with some meditation. Get the Headspace App or go to a meditation class. Go try some Yoga. May as well take advantage of whatever this is to create a happier, more meaningful life.

With love,



In my family, little ones are assigned an animal before their birth so that there is consistent in theming for stuffed animals, baby blankets, etc.

My wife and I just decided on the Sloth for our first-born, and now here you are with this sloth story and cute photographs!

Nice story and commentary Prism,
I've also felt this type of consciousness from time to time and more so lately in my daily life. Everything seems much simpler and clearer.

While I do believe forces that we can't really know are acting upon the world, I don't think it really matters to the individual. With the internet, we have more opportunity than ever to discover the knowledge necessary to "progress," and like you said, the pressure is on with the state of the world.

I just recommended this book elsewhere but seems good for scientific minded types: The Transparency of things - Spira
and another more focused on the brain: Return to the Brain of Eden - Wright and Gynn. Check them out!

Also, what about the gut, do you think it plays into unity consciousness?
Followed and looking forward to more content and discussion from you.

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I feel the same way as you used to feel. So I was hoping to read a piece written for people who feel as you used to feel, not another low-information piece for the already converted.
"I had written off previous spiritual experiences as phenomena of the brain. I had heard people talking about 2012 as a time when a great spiritual awakening was going to happen. And I watched it roll by and nothing seemed to change. I wasn’t surprised. Back then, I was convinced Earth was going to hell in a hand basket and no magical day was going to change that."
Nothing in what you wrote has changed my view on it.
You had a brain phenomenon, and now you say that we're all in a magical era.

What would you have said back then, if someone had said to you then, what you are saying now?

"Oh; you had a brain phenomenon" or "Wow! You enlightened me"

This isn't criticism. Well, I guess it is in the sense of constructive criticism. I'm giving you an outside view in the hope that you can revise your message and make it more meaningful to people who havent had your brain phenomenon.

What I know about the brain, is that the brain has mechanisms for assigning validity to any message it chooses. That's why people can believe in Christianity, flying saucers, Trump's biggest inauguration ever, or that they really are not paralyzed (when they are).

So given that the brain can be hijacked, how do you know that yours isn't being hijacked now?

That's what I was hoping for... a scientist's perspective on what you went through. Instead, we have a religious convert's perspective. So I might as just well read a religious convert's posts. To any random religion.