A PATH to LOVE Where can I find love?



Where can I find love?

Arm in arm with one I loved I walked contented on my path.
By and by we reached a fork and bidding me farewell my loved-one took their leave.
Desolate, I struggled on my way.
And so it happened that a young man heard my cries and offered to escort me to a shrine ordained by love.

As we approached this sanctuary I observed the trees’ decline and drop their brittle leaves upon the ground.
High above a silver lake a swan drove out its cygnet, giving chase until the air resounded with their cries.
To this blast of misery another sound was added:
the wailing of an infant scolded by its mother.
The infant’s sobs mingled with the weeping of a man, discouraged that his prayers were never heard.
“How is it that a shrine to love is filled with so much sorrow? Do you call
this love?”

“l do,” the man responded.
“For everyone there is a path that each will choose to follow.

Relinquishing this path to indulge another’s fears cannot be called love.

Love teaches self-reliance as the swan casts out its young so that they may prosper.
Upon the path you see a part, you do not see the whole.
lf you are treated harshly it may be for your good,
as a mother scolds a child when it courts disaster.
Thus your greatest foe may be your greatest friend.
When you walk upon a path those who love you come to help your journey
even though it means denying a request.

“Love has many facets and can look like
many things.
Love may appear as selfishness or hate,
be clothed in disappointment or despair,
or wear the guise of death:
the withered leaves that fall from trees decay upon the ground
and thus the earth becomes enriched.
Love may not wear a pretty face, but keep an open heart
and you will be surprised where love resides.”

Find the whole book online www.pathstoenlightenment.net



This poem melts my heart with the truth of the words. Our life journey should be based on faith not fear and although we may not understand and doubt at the time why things are falling into a certain direction when we look back we realize that is to teach us our life lessons to get us exactly where we are destined to be. Thank you for sharing....appreciated.!

So true love your sign off signature beautiful ❤️

I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks for posting and much love from Colorado!

Thank you for stopping by ❤️

Love has different shades
Love is a blessing and a curse. Love is everything.
Thanks for sharing

So true :)

this is wonderful

Love is a beautiful thing


I'm motivated with your posts

Very nice Story & Pic.
Thanks for sharing......