in #spiritweb5 years ago



Aren’t we at a time in our human evolution where we can take leave of ideas of oppressing others on bases of race and religion, even on class? Apparently not! Haven’t we destroyed our beautiful planet enough? WHAT WILL IT TAKE?

The fact that we see some lives as more precious than our own is problematic to say the least. All division is based on the fact that we do NOT identify with ourselves as a WHOLE but as SEPARATE from each other.

Imagine a world where we see each other as part of who we are. Do you think that we would be fighting, hurting, suffering and attacking each other?

Of course not.

As the entire planet and everyone on it has almost reached a point of no return, we as a human race are faced with ONE QUESTION. WHAT WILL OUR FUTURE BE? Each of us must be looking at what is transpiring in the world these days with lock-downs, forced vaccinations, martial law, and God knows what’s coming

If we look at the current situation in the world, pandemics, floods, toxic pollution, wars etc etc etc, just to mention a few, I’m sure almost every single human being on this planet must have at some point wondered, when will all this just end, when will things change and how can we change it?

Some days I look at what’s happening and can’t help but cry. Things have just reached such a point of insanity and it seems that it will never change. However, I always believe in hope, even when things look absolutely impossible.

I believe with my whole heart that there are still good people on this planet, still people who care, and more importantly than that, I do BELIEVE that most of us want a better future for humanity and this planet.

I have a request for everybody who decides to read this blog. My request is this. I want you to take a very hard long look at what’s happening all across the planet, as painful as that may be.

Take a long hard look at yourself, as hard as THAT may be. Now ask yourself. What kind of future do I want? What kind of world do I want to live in? And lastly, what can I do for myself and others and this planet to make a difference to CREATE THAT FUTURE, a better future, a better me, not only for myself, but for humanity as a whole and for this planet.

If each of us did this, day by day, step by step, we can make a CHANGE. We CAN make a difference.