Know THY self

in #spiritweb5 years ago


In a world where everything has turned its focus to the material world., it is hard for us and especially youngsters, to focus on anything else. We do our children such an injustice by living this way, which they in turn learn from us. Children model our behaviour.

When we live like this, we will never learn our true value and our behaviours and actions will always be affected by the external.

We build our whole personality based on the physical. Focus of the self or the beautiful being that lies within has long since been forgotten.

Due to the fact that our focus, from birth is based on the material and physical world, people have lost the value of who they truly are.

No wonder humanity is so lost, always searching, always looking for something on the outside to fulfill the emptiness the feel.

Learning to know the self, is essential for growth and development of the self. A lesson I learnt the hard way, was to learn to look within. Do not allow your peace of mind and your happiness to depend on others or material possessions.

Learning to know the self is a process of daily self reflection and awareness. It is not always easy to look at yourself and can often be really humbling when we notice traits that aren't very nice like anger jealousy and other traits which come unconscious living, especially when those traits harm others and ourselves.

However, don't loose hope, if you step back from your ego and allow yourself to watch yourself carefully in an attempt to change behaviour,you will succeed in changing harmful behaviour step by step.

Just like exercise, results don't happen overnight, but they do happen if you continue doing this process of self reflection and watching of the self.


It is definitely important to know ourselves to see how we can make better improvement!
