Your vision is dead in the water if you depend on "miners to store the network (videos)."
what is this 1995 Napster!
ONLY DEDICATED SERVERS can deliver content on demand globally. You're kidding yourself if you think average users seeding videos is going to be a disruptive way to challenge the established video content providers.
A tiny ass operation on Hive is what it will always be. Just like every other project "dapp" here.
Why are you afraid to put your money behind a proper attempt to make video on chain successful?
PoA favors those with the maximum amount of hard drive. There is nothing stopping dedicated servers being set up, which we already have with We host over 100 TB of data in HD all over the world. The plan is to get other video networks to plug into the system. PoA is meant to consolidate to those that have the most earn the most.
However, small miners can still compete as well but the system does not rely on small miners, its naturally designed for max efficiency.
IPFS is far superior than blockchain for storing videos. Blockchain setups had a ton of limitations, overhead and inefficiency’s. IPFS was made for what we are doing.
Hey Xiko, we are not in 1995 and some but not all have more than dial-up 56k modems and Intel 486 computers. You don't need a dedicated server to deliver video globally in today's world. The idea of decentralization is NOT having DEDICATED SERVERS but having a lot of small distributed nodes. Thanks for the feedback and let me know if I am missing something here 🙂....we have come a long way since the days of: