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RE: Running Video Encoders for 3Speak

in #spkencoder2 years ago

Thanks for the interest. You can check the logs and you should see the encoder querying for jobs which is the first paet to check if your setup is OK.

The second part to check is the actual video encoding and submission of the video to the encoder api.
You’ll have to wait for your first encoding job though (just leave ot running for a couple of hours) and check the logs from time to time to see if the job completed successfully.


I also don't have docker desktop I don't know if it's necessary here it stays like thiswell I don't have logs I'm running on a linux machine I followed this step

Captura de tela de 2023-02-08 21-41-50.png

That’s for ipfs daemon.

You can do docker-compose logs -f

it doesn't work i must have done something wrong

it doesn't work i must have done something wrong

Are you in 3speak’s discord? Perhaps you can ask there to get more support.

yes i asked
Thank you for your help