YouTube Nazis Team Up With SPLC Marxists to Kill YouTube Truth Community

in #splc7 years ago (edited)

My channel with 134,000 subscribers and over 1,000 videos is among the channels targeted by the YouTube Purge. Like many other channels, I was hit with a strike for "bullying" on an old video. That first video was posted in 2014 and has never had any problems. It was a 5 minute explanation of what a "false flag" operation is in its true historical sense.

I discussed events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident that was used by President Johnson as pretext for war with Vietnam. Almost every mainstream historian acknowledges that Johnson knew that the Vietnamese had NOT fired on a Navy ship and that this non-event was used to justify war. My video did not attack anyone and didn't even mention a single individual or group of people. It was a very generic discussion with no graphic images or profanity. But they gave me a strike anyway.

My second strike came the next day. It was a video from several months ago that was nothing more than a clip of one of my appearances on the Hagmann Report. We were talking about how disinformation operatives were infiltrating the truth movement and slinging wild, unsupportable conspiracy theories to make the rest of us look like nuts by association. In the interview I was defending the principle of sound investigation and rejecting the idea of tossing around wild conspiracy theories. And, like the first strike, this one was for "bullying" again. Not one person or group was targeted in the discussion.

And I'm quite certain that a third strike is imminent because that is exactly what has taken down several other channels in the past several days. This is a coordinated attack by left-wing zealots from the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC is heavily funded by George Soros. It is no surprise that my channel is among the ones targeted because my name had been added to a public SPLC blacklist.

This truly is the most massive assault on free speech that I've ever seen. The scope of this assault is breath-taking. So I ask for your continued support to keep my investigative work going.

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Jake Morphonios
PO Box 1333
Kernersville, NC 27285

(You are also welcome to send personal letters to me here.)

News tips or media inquiries: [email protected]

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▶️ DTube

Sad to see this happen. YouTube does allow Muslim to discuss wife beating though. I wrote about this some time ago:
Glad we have DTube.
YouTube has over 10,000 flaggers who are just low paid grunts. It's basically giving a bunch of jackasses the role of a newspaper editor.

Is there a way, or will there be a way, to watch your videos deleted from YouTube? I was working my way through the Las Vegas shooting series when the channel got deleted. Thanks.

Steemit censors & takes down videos too. There's better alternatives

This is truly a good thing. If everyone can get together on a new platform and work together without Alphabet Inc blocking the effort the message can still move forward. In a year from now everyone will be settled into other platforms and making more money than with Youtube.
As for Goodman he has a history of sending pictures of his penis to high school girls. A former longtime guest Susan Ludske went on Hoax Wars and said that he bragged about trolling Facebook for 16 yr old kids.

how long until they bully other platforms into following youtube's style of censorship.

how long until they bully other platforms into following youtube's style of censorship.

They're a;ready doing that. Dtube about the only open platform.

I am nearly done with the BoobTube. Thank you for all you do!

Welcome to D.... On your migration I have followed your lead and activated my D Tube (previously dormant) account. It would seem that anyone with anything to say that is awake, alive and aware is going to be a target - Thank you for your faithful reporting. What happens now?
Anyway, I have confidence that you will continue (even amidst the storm) to set the standard. Wow!

Keep pressing Steemit upon your viewers so that as many as possible will convert! The best you can do i feel as termination is probably imminent.

Thank you for coming over to steemit. This is truly an unprecedented attack on free speech. Although Youtube is a private company and can do what they want, crass moves like this only serve them with negative attention.

I really enjoy your work and look forward to seeing your platform grow here.

Well it looks like Youtube is reinstating the accounts, however there is no excuse for this treatment.
On the brighter side there is a new site starting up which will be in direct competition to facebook and youtube offering chat, video platform and even merchandise sales. The best thing of all it is goint to be 100% free speech
It is in alpha stage right now but is up and allowing new sign ups

I wouldn't be so confident about Youtube "reinstating" accounts. I'm sure long-time shill operations will be functioning like before and those pretend strikes against Alex Jones and co will quickly dissipate... but for real people it will be entirely a different story. I've lost all my work + channels. I've challenged everything but have never had ANYTHING reinstated....

I take it you did not backup anything on other platforms??
I think you need to threaten them with a lawsuit or have a letter sent from a lawyer.
Is fakenewsreport your youtube channel name?

Jake, it was time to break free from YouTube anyway. I hope you can build up your base here.

Also note that you can use the FEEDBACK function under your YouTube account to let them know you do not appreciate the false claims they are using to delete these accounts. Even those with whom I disagree should be allowed to speak! YouTube will lose lots of revenue by doing this, so be it.

I have sent my feedback to screwtube.

Hey Jake, I finally got approved!!!! In just a short two weeks. LoL

Jake - So happy to see you migrate to youtube will go down in history as anti-american and traitors to America and independent journalism. Youtube is the future myspace, in one year nobody will give a hoot about it.

Glad you finally came over.

I am furious that you have to purge your content on your screwtube channel. I have spent many hours watching your videos and have learned SO MUCH and had every intention to continue. Hopefully you can put some up on Dtube and/or bitchute. Stay strong Jake. We are with you!

You should try to do everything you can to get back on Youtube. Like it or not, Youtube is where the eyeballs are. It is the battleground! They WANT us to leave. They WANT us to come to these sites. Steemit is great and all, but we need to wake people up on youtube! Talk to your lawyers! Ask your followers to email or tweet Youtube. We must fight back! God Bless you Jake, please don't stop!

Lift the Veil reported earlier that youtube had apologised for errors made on various take downs etc. Claim to be busy reinstating videos ;)

Although they've been taking down my channels for years.... I can honestly say I've never seen it as bad as it is right now. There is NO freedom of speech permitted on Youtube. They've effectively destroyed the entire "truth movement" with their latest Hoax (Parkland). The only solution that I can present is what you've done here: Move to a new platform and bring as much of your audience as you can. Steemit has censorship too (as I've witnessed first hand with my #DavidHoggMemes post being hidden from view) but it's nowhere near what we are currently seeing on Jootube.
I believe all of this was carefully choreographed and that youtube CEO Wojincki was specifically brought in for this task.
Stay strong and lets try to build this platform into something that will rival the good ol' days of Youtube.

I don't consider this an attack on free speech.
Those in charge do not care if you rant. Just do it quietly over there.

What they are doing is controlling the narrative.
They have decided that ignoring the alt media is worse than the blowback they will get from banning them.

This is all about narrative control. All about maintaining them as the source of information. If they do not do this, then their entire ponzi / govern-cement house of cards comes crashing down. If people learn that they are doing illegal things, not just shady, but really bad things, then they lose all authority.

Fortunately where this ends is actually very good for the people on planet earth. Instead of having f-c-book/themTube/titter we will soon have a social media server of our own in each house. It will become as ubiquitous as the smart TV. Each person will be in control of their content and who can see it.

And with this, all censorship and copyright claims will become impossible.

I hope this not an attack on free speech but im dumping screwtube ASAP anyway. I agree if They "lose face", (LOL, I wanted to say "if They lose respect") they've lost.
I have great hope for and steemit. Im looking into hosting my own IPFS node so my videos dont just disappear and because if we are going to survive we are going to need to communicate ideas, information and knowledge. If they control all of that we lose all around.

@webgurl thanks for the feedback tip. I was just thinking about that myself and after this post Im going directly there and do just that.
@morphonios I came to because of you.

Thank you for the upvote on my comment, however, at your current SP level, you are just wasting your vote.

If you do not get a post or comment to $0.02 there is no pay out.
And, until you get to 1MVest (about 460 SP, when you get a slider that allows you to adjust your voting power) you have 10 votes a day.

Or more specifically, your voting power refills at a rate of 10 votes per day. If you vote more than this your votes become less and less. It takes 5 days of doing no voting to refill all of your voting power.

Further, you would like to vote on post that are going to be popular, and then you earn curation rewards. Search these things. There are plenty of posts for new users.

Same deal with many YouTubers; have a look at a similar video on the subject by Sean of SGTreport:


[IMPORTANT]: By the way, would anyone here happen to know if Jake had backup copies of all his LAS VEGAS VIDEOS that were previously on YouTube? If so, can you point me in the right direction? thanks!

Glad to see you here Jake. I'm still trying to figure this D tube steemit thing out. The only reason I still use Youtube is it is on my Roku and can watch it on my tv.Does anyone know if this is possible with D tube?

Does your Roku have a built in Web browser? If so you could probably view DTube on it. I can watch it using Firefox on the Amazon Fire TV stick.

No I dont think so. Thanks for the reply.

Re: JG, hate to say we told you so, but...

Glad to find you here Jake. I saw what was going on on themtube. Looks like dtube is the new thing. Stay safe

Jake, Upvoted & Resteemed! Welcome to Steemit! Good luck here!

good, this should speed up the demise of youtube nicely

You should end all your youtube video's with "see you on Dtube" Sort of give them a little kick in the nuts.

Congratulations! you are free at last! thank God! Getting booted off of that shit is going to turn out to be the best thing that could have happened to you

fuk youtube. Coastal California needs a mega tsunami and earthquake so they can all be fish and bug food.

Yahoo started doing the same and most millennials don't even know what Yahoo is. Google wants to follow same path. I think Verizon bought Yahoo because it was losing tons of money. They will even change the name to the web search machine that will mean the official end of Yahoo.

Just uploaded video that got me "struck" on the evil network platfom.
