[25/08/2024] Mage Wagons: Last Chance to Buy Before Prices Skyrocket!

in #splinterland6 months ago (edited)

- - - - - - - - - - - [25/08/2024] - Mage Wagon Prices Are About to Skyrocket! - - - - - - - - - - -

Mage Wagon Image

Key Points:

  • Voucher Utility Ending Soon: The option to buy Mage Wagons with vouchers will end by September 3rd or at the end of the current season.
  • Cost Increase: After this, Mage Wagons will only be purchasable with DEC and credits, which will significantly raise the cost.
  • Limited Current Utility: Right now, Mage Wagons have confirmed utility in the last two conflicts, but future uses are speculative.
  • Potential Future Value: Speculation exists that Mage Wagons could be used in new game modes or integrated with other features like land or guilds.
  • Investment Opportunity: Players may want to consider purchasing Mage Wagons now before the price increase if they plan to participate in future content.

"Mage Wagons: Smart Investment or Risky Speculation? What do you think? Share your thoughts below and don't forget to engage with the best comments!"