Day 1: Learning Splinterlands Basics

in #splinterlands4 years ago
Authored by @Adikar

Hello Everyone! My name is Adikar, someone who loves strategy games and today is the day that I started Splinterlands. I am starting a journey and explaining what I have done each day on the game and what I will be learning along the way. I hope I can help others learn along with me, and possibly entertain others on the ride that I am taking. Not only will I be explaining on showcasing on this blog, but I will also be showcasing me playing live on a streaming service called Twitch. Alright! So lets get started with my progress on Day 1!

So at first glance, I wasnt looking to play this game at first glance. I started the Tutorial and anyone that knows me, Im not a big fan of reading Paragraphs of stories that Im not exactly interested in. I usually just search for Keywords in the text and read from there to get understanding. I play a couple games just clicking random stuff, not exactly knowing whats gonna happen at all. I then see the fights unraveling and I read each ability that is happening and I am starting to get more interested in the game. I start playing each Summoner of each Element and gaining more and more knowledge of the game. Only having Basic Cards, some of these Summoners... Not very good. But as a Veteran in Strategy/Card games, some of the Summoners stood out to me.

Fire Summoner: Malric Inferno, Amazing
Fire Summoner: Pyre, Great
Water Summoner: Alric Stormbringer, Amazing
Water Summoner: Bortus, Poor
Earth Summoner: Lyanna Natura, Great
Life Summoner: Tyrus Paladium, Great
Death Summoner: Zintar Mortalus, Amazing
Death Summoner: Contessa L'ament, Poor
Dragon Summoner: Drake of Arnak, Interesting

Now these are my thoughts at first glance of these Summoners. After having these thoughts, I wanted to start getting new cards. I start researching and seeing that you can use the Dark Energy Crystals(DEC) to not only buy cards, but to RENT the cards! I thought this was an amazing concept. Now that I see this, I start to think of an optimal strategy of how to get the most out of my DEC. I have to make a decision. What Element would I want to optimize, and spend the DEC I earn, to get a higher rank, to obtain MORE DEC. I thought about it and dropped it to 3 Decisions. Fire, Water or Earth. My decision was Fire. I started getting some 1 and 2 mana cards to help my Mana Curve. Also getting a couple heavy cards to help the nice 30+ Mana Cap fights.

I spent about 3DEC on card rentals Day 1 and I do believe some of them were not the greatest rentals. At the end of the day, it is a learning process. I earned 32DEC and I decided Im going to research what Im going to use on Day 2 of grinding. Here is my list of Cards I plan on renting and grinding with on Day 2.

Talia L2 3/3/2/1

1 Cost: Flame Monkey L3
2 Cost: Kobold Miner L3
3 Cost: Serpentine Spy L3
3 Cost: Kobold Bruiser L3
3 Cost: Goblin Shaman L3
3 Cost: Fire Beetle L3

4 Cost: Cerberus L3
5 Cost: Serpentine Soldier L3
7 Cost: Living Lava L3
7 Cost: Fineas Rage L3

4 Cost: Fire Demon L2

1 Cost: Aganju L1

These are the list of cards, that I believe are EXTREMELY good and will allow me to grind to Bronze 1 and farm some DEC for a couple days. I might be skipping a couple of the cards, but these are the cards that stand out to me. I will be adding an extra $5 - $10 to the account to start this grinding process. Im going to try and spend around 60-100DEC on my Day 2 Rentals.

Im going to call it a night and I hope you enjoy this journey that we are going on! If you have any ideas on making the blog better, definitely let me know! This is my fight time blogging and I'm extremely excited to be seeing where this goes.
See everyone tomorrow!


nice to see you on twitch! welcome to hive!