A fantastic write up. This has been one of the most informative series of strategy posts, I have seen. You have my upvote, I wish it was worth more.
A fantastic write up. This has been one of the most informative series of strategy posts, I have seen. You have my upvote, I wish it was worth more.
Thank you very much. A supportive comment is worth a lot. Appreciate it :)
How are you pulling the data set for your statistics?
We do this with the Splinterlands-API. Documentation is here:
https://github.com/kiokizz/Splinterlands-API There is a guy @zalander creating tutorials for using the API, see: https://peakd.com/ccc/zalander/how-to-use-splinterlands-api-with-powershell-7
Thanks, I'll look into it. I've got questions.