Lets Knockout this opponent!!!

in #splinterlands9 months ago

Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail (1).gif

Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using one of my own account that played in Gold League Format.And this time, i want to share that in Lost Legendaries ruleset that we cannot using any legendary monster into the battle, we can using unique ability that can combined to each other to make the best strategy and never underestimated the rare and epic rarity. So, if many player too much depending on legendary card monster this ruleset will make harder to the player. But, somehow it will easier if we are getting used using rarity below legendary in this ruleset.Not only looking the Lost Legendaries ruleset only, it will be needed to combine this ruleset with another ruleset and this Lost Legendary ruleset is really supporting another ruleset in this time to make me easier arranging my strategies. But, before that as usual lets dig deeper with this ruleset


Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Ferocity lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

Legendary units may not be used.
Legendary summoners are still available.

Okay as the ruleset said, we cannot using any legendary monster but we still can using legendary summoner which is sometimes using legendary summoner is must. It is better that using legendary summoner than using legendary monster. Maybe someday there will be ruleset that can make we cannot using only legendary summoner only. Maybe. So, in this battle we cannot depending on the legendaries monster ability and will utilize the epic rarity or below to arrange the strategy into battlefield.


Strategy Phase

In this battle i am using mostly Rare monster ability that have pretty good status and ability in battle. And this time i am using combination of Melee and Range monster, but mostly i am utilize the range monster this time.

In this battle my mainly tanker is still Mycelic Infantry this monster is absolutely beast especially combined with Immortalis as summoner that can gives Void ability that can reduce any magic type attack. Also this monster having Shield ability that can reduce any melee and range type attack. And don't forget this monster having giant killer ability that can gives double damage if opponent using monster that have 10 manacost above. And of course after this monster get damage the enrage can be active that can buff this attack status. And if this monster hit it will gives really big damage to opponent line up.

For the second main monster in my strategy line up is Bramble Pixie this monster i am using as executor for the opponent frontline tanker. This monster having high melee damage with reach ability that can attack from the second position. Also this monster have heal ability that can replacing my frontline tanker if my Mycelic Infantry defeated.

The third main monster in my line up is Venari Seedsmith this monster is really usefull for my line up strategy with scavenger ability that can adding its max health after any monster die and having 4 range attack can avoid any monster that having forcefield ability and gives maximum damage to opponent monster. Also this monster have poison ability that have chance to gives opponent poison status after got hit. But this monster is really weak in early battle if i am not protect this monster properly it will died due the opportunity monster that opponent bring.

For the main carry in my line up, i am using Uloth Dhampir this monster having pretty good status with 5 range attack even though it will be just 1 if opponent using any monster that having forcefield ability but this monster having stun ability that can make opponent cannot move in one turn. Also this monster have triage ability that can healing my taunt monster or the other position except first position after getting damage and it will really supporting my backline team mate.



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This time i am encountered with player that from YGG Knights guild.I know that player in this guild is really really strong. Once i played with them in the same guild but not in Knights but from other YGG. So, i am afraid i can lose in this battle since they are very strong.

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And in this battle as you can see the picture above, having 3 ruleset. The first ruleset is Close Range that means all range monster can attacked even though in the first position. So, range type attack monster can be a frontline tanker too. The second ruleset is Heavy Hitters that means all monster will have knockout ability and this ability can make monster that got stun get double damage. The last but not least is Lost Legendaries that means both player cannot use any legendary monster in this battle. The manacap that can be used in this battle is 59 which is pretty well enough to arrange such great strategy. The element that can be used in this battle is Fire,Earth,and Death element. At the first, i am planning to using Death element combined with Astral Entity as summoner. But, i am afraid that opponent will using any magic type monster and in death element there are no monster that have defence for magic type attack. Thats why i am using Immortalis in this battle instead Death element.

My Strategy Line Up

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  • Immortalis as Summoner
  • Mycelic Infantry as Frontline Tanker
  • Bramble Pixie as Second Tanker
  • Venari Seedsmith as Attacker
  • Supply Runner as Support
  • Uloth Dhampir as Support and Carry
  • Mycelic Slipspawn as Taunt Tanker

Opponent Strategy Line Up

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  • Immortalis as Summoner
  • Grund as Frontline Tanker
  • Goblin Psychic as Support
  • Uloth Dhampir as Support and Attacker
  • Rune Crafter as Attacker
  • Gem Meteor as Attacker
  • Mycelic Slipspawn as Taunt Tanker

Looking on opponent line up, i dont know what opponent thinking, they are really prepared all the counter that in my line up. Even opponent bringing Rune crafter to doubled damaging my taunt monster due the fury ability and bringing Gem meteor to avoid the taunt monster using scattershot ability. Thats really awesome. Wonder this opponent trully beast or just using helper.

Okay the summary of this battle is yeah my Mycelic Infantry fortunately not missing attacking opponent Grund, and it hit gives total 10 damage to opponent grund due the giant killer ability. Thats pretty dope yoo. And of course my Bramble Pixie also helping to defeat opponent Grund this time. And yeah opponent strategy to take down my Taunt monster is really efective. But, my strategy bringing Venari Seedsmith is really useful and thankfully that gem meteor not hiting my Venari Seedsmith in the first round, if opponent Gem meteor hitting my Venari Seedsmith in the first round. I can make sure that opponent using cheat. And due my Supply Runner buff with Swiftness that adding speed to all my team line up, it will make almost all my monster will attacking first. And in round 1 opponent Mycelic Slipspawn defeated. But at the same time my Mycelic Slipspawn defeated too. But, my force attack after opponent Mycelic Slipspawn defeated, it really gives high damage to opponent line up and in round 2 it just leaving with Rune Crafter and Gem Meteor. And yeah in round 2 my team still complete with having minor damage. That will make my team easier to defeat opponent line up this time. If only opponent using Mycelic Infantry or Arkemis Bear, maybe my team will lose easily.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

Lets Knockout this opponent!!!



So in this battle i can say that yeah Lost legendaries ruleset is really helpfull to arranging my team line up because it will make my team powerfull, If both of us can using any legendary monster, the outcome of the battle can be different because many legendary monster having great status and great abilities that can reduce the effect and makes hard to arrange the team line up. For example in rift edition there is Runemancer Fiore that having Magic and Range attack, i am pretty sure that this monster is will be being used for opponent line up and since i did not rent it, it will make the different result. So, i am pretty confident with just using rare and common rarity monster in this battle since i am getting used to using monster that lower than legendaries rarity in Splinterlands. Usually the Legendary monster is expensive to rented. Especially both of us cannot using Doctor Blight that really powerful for battle. Thanks to Lost Legendaries ruleset that both of us cannot using that monster.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:


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All images taken from Splinterlands website
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