RULESET: Keep Your Distance
Description: Units with melee attacks may not be used.
- Use Phase, Void, Void Armor, and Magic Reflect to counter magic attacks.
- Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
- Units with 2 types of attack (which include melee) cannot be used.
Battle Rulesets:

Explosive Weaponry:
All units gain the Blast ability.
Additional damage is equivalent to main damage divided by 2, rounded up.
Include a unit with Reflection Shield in your lineup to absorb blast damage and protect your back line.

Keep Your Distance
Units with melee attacks may not be used.
- Use Phase, Void, Void Armor, and Magic Reflect to counter magic attacks.
- Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
- Units with 2 types of attack (which include melee) cannot be used.

Active Splinters:
- Earth
- Death
- Dragon
- Lily Shieldpaw
- Almo Cambio
- Oshuur Constantia
- Queen Mycelia
- Supply Runner
- Gem Meteor
- Spirit of the Forest
Using Lily Shieldpaw's Camouflaged ability to take advantage in the ruleset.
Using Almo Cambio as a tank because its Keep Your Distance ruleset and he's the perfect tank to use in this kind of ruleset because of its Return Fire , Magic Reflect and "Immunity" abilities. Also, it has Phase ability and has a huge amount of Speed to get lots of misses from the attacks.
Oshuur Constantia for the Reflection Shield because there is a Blast in the ruleset. It is also safe from the damage in case my opponent used a monster with Magic Reflect ability.
Spirit of the Forest to kill the supports because it has Snipe ability.
I used Oshuur Constantia and Spirit of the Forest to support my Almo Cambio because they both have Tank Heal ability.
Queen Mycelia for Amplify to make full use of my Almo Cambio in case it takes a damage. Also, additional armor and in case my opponent used a monster with Protect ability because it also has Rust ability.
Supply Runner for additional Health to all the monsters and to increase the heal of my Almo Cambio. Additionally, it has Switftness so I have a high possibility to attack first and don't miss a lot.
Gem Meteor is also my killer (like Spirit of the Forest) to kill the other monsters because it has Scattershot ability.
Round 1

First of all, this is @valhallagod (Aggy's account) that I am playing. Thank you so much sir @aggroed for the opportunity on playing this account! ❤️
I'm surprise that there is no miss on his attacks. Good thing I have 4 Armor coz it saved my Almo Cambio in the first round. Also, a bad Scattershot on my Gem Meteor and it missed haha
Round 2

I'm not going to complain on the misses in this round because it helped me kill his Lira the Dark , Dhampir Stalker and Soul Strangler because of Return Fire.
There is still no casualty in my team before the round ends. Perfect lineup, I guess?
Round 3

This round, his Queen of Crows killed by my Supply Runner. Also, my Gem Meteor attack missed again lol
We can clearly see who will win this battle.
Round 4

At last, Gem Meteor's attack hits Void Dragon. Though, no one died in this round.
Final Round

In the final round, Gem Meteor missed his last attack against Void Dragon (idk why he always wants to attack him? Maybe his Scattershot is broken lol jk)
Oshuur Constantia did the final blow and the battle ended with flawless victory on my team. GG!
Battle Summary
All in all, I did the best team for my Lily Shieldpaw. Flawless victory indeed. Perfect lineup in this kind of ruleset imo 😁
Before, I didn't know what monsters to put with Lily Shieldpaw. But now, I'm getting the gist of it.
Thank you to my guildmates in Knights United for giving me tips and by watching their recent battles. Also, to those top players recent battles that I watched ❤️

Thanks for sharing! - @zallin

Good Work, thanks for sharing!
Awesome gameplay! Lily is a Beast!