Here are some facts; they will be hard to swallow; but facts are such
- Most hive stakeholders WANTS to vote people's post. We vote, we earn curation rewards. We have incentive to upvote your post
- Downvote does not pay. We do not get rewarded for downvote
- Downvotes are not personals, rewards were not yours in the first place, nobody is taking anything away from you, you are not entitled
- Most hive stateholders are inactive. They do not care what they vote, as long as they vote
- Some active hive users, myself included, have key interests in growing the chain sustainably. They care how and who they vote. We are a minority, but a strong vocal one, and we have stake. So we can drive opinions
- We can see very easily how most of the hive users are behaving. We try to correct them and have a positive impact
- Most feel defensive when we suggest corrective actions, some goes to the 'dark side'. Others, now becoming a healthy group (yay!), follows and listens to the improvement instructions; and grow their accounts substantially
- Have some skin in the game/chain. We can see what you are doing, we will act accordingly
Choose what you like to be, I say; listen to the suggestions and improve or ignore the suggestions, call us names, and get discarded.
Choice is yours.
I am not sure why splinterland do not make toys like this, to attract a new generation of children to our game.
I have been saying it from the beginning.