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RE: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update

in #splinterlands5 years ago

"It's not just a game its an investment" as I was always told by the people who made the shit, so yea im going to take an investment seriously dipshit.

I guess you assume because i used some bad words im extremely irrate. Im not, Im annoyed at best, but im not going to sit there and let some no-name dickwad say we're stupid because we disagree with the way the game is moving.

"if you have a problem with the game go find another one" is the attitude a lot of companies that have lost most of their playerbase had, but yea lets just leave when we have an issue instead of bringing attention to it in the hopes it leads to a better outcome for both sides.


You don't honestly believe it's a better outcome. It's just about the fact you can't reach champions anymore. Same as me btw.