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RE: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update

in #splinterlands5 years ago

Yea I saw that I was like well, glad it says "we will see about player feedback" and then when the feedback is negative they just say sell yo shit. seems legit.

Ya its silly, I mean I sold all my gold foils to buy regular cards who had a lower dec value, if i had of known the dec value would ever come into play I wouldnt of done so.

It doesnt even make sense that they say "this way people who have spent more can earn more" but that depends on what you buy. I can buy a card for $100 with a dec value of $15, I still spent $100 on the game so how come it isnt worth 100k dec you know?

I dunno, maybe we're the odd ones out and this is the way forward for the game, just seems like the discord chat is full of fanboys that wouldnt dare say anything bad and its just as bad here.


Stalin called those people “useful idiots.”

I you are the odd one, i am too