My level stays on border of Bronze III and Novice. A couple of losses drag me down to Novice and back up to Bronze III upon a couple of wins. Never been above this level. Maybe because I am playing only with basic cards? Still many skills to understand I guess..
Try renting this card they will definitely help you climb your rank. Just be careful with cards positions.
Summoner - Lorna Shine - 1 Day Rent 0.42 DEC
Silvershield Paladin - FREE ( First Position )
Lunakari Mistress - 1 Day Rent 0.49 DEC
Temple Priest - 1 Day Rent 0.10 DEC
Light Elemental - 1 Day Rent 1.60 DEC
Creeping Ooze -1 Day Rent 1.50 DEC
Truthspeaker - FREE