Splinterlands Weekly Challenge: Giant Roc

in #splinterlands3 years ago

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Had fun with this challenge from @splinterlands this week as the Giant Roc hasn't been a card I've personally used much but with the extra one damage from Tarsa, proved to be fairly affective at taking the tanks out in the front, especially with the shield ability. I did find however that if Tarsa wasn't used due to that 1 attack damage at the low level I was using the Roc, it wasn't too affective.

The high health of the Giant Roc compared to other cards with reach meant that, as see in the battle, it acts as nearly a backup tank taking the hit from the Unicorn Mustang and surviving long enough for the match to be won. At only 0.1 DEC to rent a level 1 Roc, if used correctly, it can be a very cheap way to aid the tank and beef up you front couple cards in your fire attacks at lower leagues. If you find your tank is dying in fire battles just before the enemies and this is the reason your loosing using fire, I'd rent the Giant Roc or a similar reach card that has decent health and test if this makes your lineup better. At barely any cost it's worth a try and I defidently didn't think it would do as much in battle as I've found doing this challenge.