PeakMonsters All-1: Financial Plan, Brawling Strategy, and Recruiting Requirements

in #splinterlands4 years ago

Guild Member Benefits Plan

Developing a guild in Splinterlands is expensive. A large amount of DEC is needed to upgrade the buildings to full functionality and that means any guild that wants to be successful and compete at the highest levels will need some sort of funding plan describing how they plan to get there. Peakmonsters All-1, and the other PM guilds too for that matter, are in a very unique position in this game and we'll need a very unique funding plan as a result.

Currently our guild is receiving approximately $100/week in Hive payments from the guild owner, PeakMonsters marketplace aka, Jarvie. With this funding I have many different options and strategies as to how best to use it. As our journey into Splinterlands continues this plan will need to be flexible and adjust with the changing environments and game dynamics, but this is how we'll start;

We'll be receiving a weekly supply of Hive payments for the foreseeable future into our guilds treasury account. Until Brawling v2.0 is released I would like to convert those payments into DEC and save them, building up our treasury vaults as large as possible. I will be committing 50,000 DEC myself to our vault to get us started as quickly as possible.

This DEC we're holding will be giving us SPS everyday for the remaining 11 months of the airdrop. One of the reasons I want to maximize the DEC we hold in the treasury is to maximize the amount of SPS the guild receives while it's available. I will also be seeding our treasury with 1,000 SPS from my own account and regularly staking the treasuries SPS during the airdrop event.

When Brawls v2.0 is released it will be imperative that we quickly upgrade the new buildings through the first few levels so that we can all begin to purchase and use the Gladiator cards that will be available and stay competitive in the fights. Hopefully we've saved up enough DEC early on to pay for these upgrades immediately and still have a comfortable supply of DEC left in our treasury after doing so.

Once we can participate in the new version of Brawling I would like to return to accumulating as much DEC and SPS in our treasury as possible. We only have 11 more months of opportunity to accumulate the SPS and I'm of the opinion that the more of that we have at our disposal the better we'll be in the long run. So after the initial upgrades to the brawling buildings I'm thinking we leave the guild buildings alone for a while and save as much DEC and SPS as we can.

SPS will be needed to qualify for the pre-sale and promotions attached to the Chaos Legion edition of cards. As a secondary benefit of this plan the guild will hopefully have a large quantity of SPS staked which guild members will be able to use to purchase additional CL packs if they don't have enough staked to their individual account.

At the end of the SPS airdrop I would like to provide a large bonus to all of our players and give each guild member a portion of the SPS we've managed to accumulate. While the amounts are tentative and subject to change, my initial thought is to distribute 75% of the guilds SPS to the members and keep the remaining 25% for the guilds future upkeep and funding. At this time we'll have a large amount od DEC saved up and we can put that to use upgrading the buildings until we max out our infrastructure.

There are many variables in this game and the cryptocurrency world. It will be impossible to know what the final results of this plan will be, but I suspect we'll have enough funds saved up at the end of the airdrop cycle to come close to max'ing out our buildings while also being able to give each of the guilds fighters a significant bonus for their service. It's a long term plan and I'm hoping to attract long term players who are wanting to ride this ship to wealth and gaming glory for many years into the future.

This guild is free to play and will remain that way. The guild provides many benefits to all of us playing in it and if anyone wants to contribute to this funding plan by donating either DEC or SPS as they are able to it will help our treasury grow even quicker and we will all benefit over the long run. Any donations should be sent to the guilds Treasury Account where it can be added to our existing funds.

While the current Brawls are more like pre-season at the moment, I am working on getting a system in place where we're able to field our strongest fighters while also giving the other guild members opportunity to fight and earn in the new Brawling system. For now that system is;

If a fighter scores below 60% in their fray then the next member in line with a compatible deck for that fray will get the chance to battle and the fighter will go to the back of the waiting list until it's their turn to fight again.

If a fighter scores over 60% win rate in their Fray then they will have the opportunity to fill that same Fray during the next Brawl.They will have the chance to battle in 3 consecutive Brawls and then they will be sent to the waiting que and the next member up will get a chance to fight and prove themselves in battle.

We currently have 2 players with mostly Novice League level collections that will be limited to those frays until they have upgraded their collection or have rented cards to fight in a higher league.
DBCrypto and Valkryie will be our Novice League fighters at the moment.

We currently have 6 fighters with collections putting them in Bronze League frays at the moment. NXAMoonlight, John9Inch, Jordy007, UrchinTrader, Rosa35, and RPTron are our Bronze League fighters.

We currently have 4 fighters with Silver League collections. These fighters are; ArtCreator, Kalyus, SM-TreeFrog, and MightyPanda.

We currently have 5 fighters with collections putting them in the Gold League frays. Our Gold League fighters are; MaddySoldier, BP9930, Just2Random, LostInTime, and D-Pend.

We currently have 3 fighters with a large enough Gold Foil collection to be competitive in those frays. Our Gold Foil fray fighters are; D-Pend, LostInTime, and Monster-Inc.With some help from guild members granting delegations and access to the rental market, NXAMoonlight and John9Inch are also able to fill the Bronze League Gold Foil frays.

Some of our collections are going to be specific to Alpha, Alpha/Beta, Untamed, or Untamed/Dice edition cards so some players may be entered into frays below their fighting level because they have the most complete collection in our guild for a particular fray. Specifically D-Pend with his very nice Alpha and Beta collection, Just2Random with his Max/Gold League level Beta collection, and Kalyus with his Silver League Untamed/Dice collection.

As the guild General I'm hoping to put our members in the best position for them to win individually and for our guild to win as a team. If there is a particular fray you think your deck is well suited to just let me know and I can get you in que for it. Players are welcome to participate in frays below their League as well, it is an advantage at times to be fighting in lower leagues. When the next Brawl is open I will put out the roster and waiting list for the entire guild so we can keep things organized and operating fairly for all of us.

On a related note, we have several rosters spots available for qualifying players. Guild members must be active in the brawling system and use the market for buying/selling or renting cards. If you have a playable Gold Foil collection at Silver League or higher we are very interested in you signing up. If you have Gold League or Max level collections we are very interested in you signing up. If you have a max'd out Silver League collection we are interested in your services as well.

Players who have been enjoying the game since 2020 or earlier and who have Land claims will also be given top priority to join our Guild. Players who are willing to delegate some of their extra cards to help our newer members field competitive teams will also be given high priority in the recruiting process. Also, players who qualify for our Guild Bard position will be given special consideration.

If you are able to meet these requirements then contact me here on the Hive Blockchain or in discord @bp9930#9918 and let me know your interested in joining. You may also challenge me to a battle in-game if you would like to grab my attention there.


Let me know if you need any help managing any of this stuff. I like this plan a lot and will be contributing some DEC to guild every month.

I'll be in touch here soon and we'll see if there is anything you'd want to do.

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