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RE: New Account for Splinterlands Posts & My Goals / Thought Process

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

yes no investors in mcdonald style that's true.
but for example in my country splinterlands was spread mainly by youtubers who make investment content and not by gaming youtubers. it's clear that you then get mainly people who eigendlich only want to increase their money and have no interest in the game and eigendlich never planned to play a game. these people I would tend to classify more in the category investor rather than in the category player or not?
but we need more people who come primarily to play and not primarily to earn.
because we need a healthy balance between the different types. but it seems to me that the balance is pretty much out of whack and the people who have come primarily to play are clearly in a minority position.
I mean if we had more people from the gaming area than from the investment area in splinterlands then such a bot question would not be so close.

oh sorry I look no more requests because of all the scam requests^^