Hello it is I again Butops here with another post to share with you all
So with splinterlands ongoing 6th year they are in a month long giveaway for people in twitter to pretty much share them posts for people to see all around the world and in one of those giveaways I managed to win a second time
yeah thats right I'm NZeroG in twitter so dont confuse it its still butops
Yeah thats a second win for me on the rebellion packs just hoping for a legendary to pretty much sell and to buy more packs and or cards to strengthen my deck in the future with the oncoming fee for wild I got to at least strengthen myself more also if anyone wanna sponsor a nice sps delegation it would be highly appreciated need more sps+glint generating power but its fine if you dont want to.....
well anyway as its still ongoing hoping that I get more packs in the future.
So do I still need to say anything?
Frankly yes
One would be me pretty much gathering cash to buy more wagons ..........which I'm doing right about now
yeah that's right im gathering more wagons to increase my chances of getting an airdrop been unlucky on the first 4 I need to get at least 1 cmon why was I born with luck so negative that even multiple packs dont give me a legendary
I need at least 1 uhhhhh I'm really pouring my frustrations right now but thats just the way my life works I need to put in the effort to make me get things thats how complicated my life is but that doesnt get me down rather it makes me persevere more just as I stayed in this game longer than anyone else that quit the game because things did not get their way boop boop boop ok really going off track so onto the buying of me wagon
ten ten tenenen......
and there it is my 5th wagon perhaps with all these packs coming unto me I can gather as much rebel points to pretty much get myself a card ......just a lot more wagons to pretty much invest on although ign: butops can do with some donations be it cards or vouchers anything will do......
well this ends my post this week
if you want to play splinterlands here is my referral link right here
and also dont forget to give the splinterlands twitter page a follow like and retweet their posts to have a chance at winning rebellion packs
so once again as I always say
this has been butops
have a nice day
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