So hello my friends this is butops stay a while and read while I show you my battlemage secret of the week featuring fab five
What is fabfive you may ask well there is no better explanation you just use five monsters in battle
well now that thats out of the way please enjoy what you are reading and lets begin
and as always if you want you can watch the battle in realtime right here
ok so in this match I used the life splinter as for the lineup here they are
general sloan level 5
drybone barbarian level 5
2nd position
Venari Crystalsmith level 4
3rd Position
pelacor arbalest level 4
4th position
spirit hoarder level 2
5th position
Iziar level 2
With that out of the way lets begin our match shall we
Round 1
Due to the taunt I get sniped by liza fox Iziar takes 4 damage
Iziar retaliates with 2 damage on while being taunted by night ghoul takes 2 damage
life sapper and helheim demon attack simultaneously dealing only 2 damage because of the void
the pelacor arbalest , crystalsmith and drybone barbarian go on the offensive killing the ghoul in the process
my spirit hoarder heals my iziar for 2 hp damages the helheim demon by 1hp
usut attacks my iziar for 1 damage
round 2
liza fox attacks once more dealing 2 damage to my iziar
my iziar attacks the helheim demon for 2 damage
the life sapper attacks my barbarian for 2 hp but awakens the enrage increasing my barbarian's stats
my barbarian demolishes the life sapper dealing 8 damage and killing it to the curb
helheim demon attacks the barbarian for 2 damage but gets healed back by the crystalsmith
simultaneous attacks by the arbalest and crystalsmith destroys the helheim demon for good
the spirit hoarder damages the usut for 1 hp
usut delivers 2 damage to the barbarian
round 3
the barbarian attacks but only managed to destroy the usust's armor
iziar attacks for 2 damage on usut
the arbalest then kills the usut for 6 damage
the crystalsmith and spirit hoarder ataack a defenseless liza for a combined 5 damage ending the round
round 4
iziar attacks and kills liza fox ending the match for me with a win
so what are my impressions on this ruleset well for starters it limits what you need to use and focuses on what you want to use want and need are 2 different things so thats a dead giveaway
well this ends my post for this week hoping next week i can find an easier theme to find in battles on the new battlemages post
so if you were intrigued with this post and want to play splinterlands yourself
heres my referral link cmon dont be shy
and as always
this has been butops have a nice day
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