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RE: SPS Staking Multiplier for Ranked Battle Rewards

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Ya im wondering abouut whether or not i should buy more land I already have a Keep, a legendary plot, a bunch of magic, 2 occupied and common for 28 total. I was thinking of picking up any cheap magic land and possibly more sps to add to the sps weth and sps bnb lps . Will be conveting or selling all my glx for additinoal nodes for GLX since they will be a much better long term roi as the GLX will be made back by the daily rewards and GLGT will be only produced by nodes. Was thinking about 60K in the wbtc/btc LP and shorting 1.3/5 micro futures on the traditional markets as well as using that position for margin to increase positions in DEFI up to 50% margin moved to any other broker and multiply the money by 1.2 until the rates get to a blended rate of 10% then deposit the cash back into various DEFI and lending protocals to earn more than 10%. Also want to start rewarding a new pool with vouchers and glgt and giving it NFTM which i have like 300 million of them and a bunch of other random tokens i cant sell which will maybe attract deposits and allow me to sell my vouchers over time at much higher rates. Was also thinking of trying to get everyone with a little SPT not part of the group who contorls it to delegate together to get past 20 million SPT and be able to have one of the largest votes and be able to vote in the SPT DAO to change some things like adding back LP rewards but in spt and sps fees and LP positions will be built with 75% of fees and rewards all going to the units that need to be Staked SPST Splinterlands Social Token. There will be a allocation of rewards monthly as well based on the amount of votes cummulatively in value of all tokens using bid prices divided by the total of all value received on a post and 50% will be divided by giving the winner 45% and second place 5% with the DAO getting 50% and every vote must contain hive and SPT. SPT may also be exchanged at a 1% discount from NAV using the average of the first 100 to 10000 of USD on each side and taking the average and if in one week the token is higher than the high of the close on the buy in the final price changes to the close if higher.

The DAO is ment to only be funded by voting on various types of posts - card give aways, lotteries, contests, etc. Round 2 will allow people to claim x tokens by minting a round specific NFT which will state min and max purchses and when minted the actual unit bought will be entered. A physical copy will be paper but can be metal for a additinal charge. The actual personal details will not be readable without the key to decrypt it which will be given to each unit holder to hold with the bearer units or how ever they please. If the bearer units are left with no owner ever the units are deposited in the treasury share and add value to all remaining unit holders.

After about 6 months the fund will start making weekly distributions of 50% of cash flow and growing the fund for 4.5 more years with 5% less each year and finally a terminal retention rate of 20% for new investments and 80% cash flow distributed. The DAO will have no termination date and is ment to provide the members any any successor members with passive income that comes from there involvement in the DAO and HIVE Gaming. Initially there will only be allowed 33 members due to SEC registration laws and each member selected to participate must indicate that they want ot participate in the round one voting seed round to acquire the DAO interests each month for one year. This group will be 10 people selected for senior roles responsible for managing divisions. Member is a profit share member that has been a contracor for 3 months and the DAO votes to admit the member.

I will be adding over $50,000 in NAV which will be 50,000 units with founder shares being 1 dollar. Seed units #1 will be 1.25 per unit. Seed #2 will be 1.5 unless you acquire 2X the amount as in seed #1 then the price is 1.3 instead. S1 min will be 1,000 and voting will continue until all 10 people hit 1,000 or 12 months have passed. Seed 2 will start one month after seed one allocations are wrapped up and will be what provides liqidity and buy/sell support with 60% for limit orders protecting a range and 40% for liquidity fees only from swaps with 90% of the fees from swap lps going to the main treasury and 10% get burned and the burn amount will burn 10% the first month and 1% of the earnings ech week after for 1 year. After one year units that are staked are eligible to receive passive earning allocations and active members receive fees for services and there earnings are nonpassive and it can be good for taxes if there is a tax loss it would dedcut from any income in the US.

As the DAO grows it can make larger and larger investments and eventually the vision i to become a VC type fund that focuses on market making, lending, arbitrage and allocates 15% to investments in other entities or digital assets.

All of this is up to the DAO anyway and there will be a multi sig wallet formed for the DAO Treasury after the 12 months and the DAO is formed. The DAO will be structured how other DAOs are.

For the first 10 people voting is all that is required to get x claim drop tokens which will have all the value from the voting in it and start after the first closing month with operations. If anyone is interested in something like this comment so I have a idea bc im doing it with my own funds 50-100K to show performance any way if that doesnt work so i can go for a larger raise later if no one i interested in voting for units in a investment DAO.

Posted using Splintertalk