All Rebellion Rewards cards review and level recommendation in Order from Worse to Best.
This post will include all Rebellion Rewards cards except the legendary ones, this is like my recommendation posts of how much to level up the card to make it competitive in maxed out games for players that not play so much and have a limited amount of Glint and for that reason I do not recommend the legendary ones as they cost too much and they are not so strong, the epics are a lot stronger and cost less, this also will show a review of each card and I will put all of them in order from worse to best, if you disagree in the order or in something else feel free to put in the comments so people reading this can have more material. Note that this is not only a compilation of my previous posts , beside having been in this order they also have extra text explaining their position.
Tokatag Conscript
Level 9 I consider this the worse card, basically it doesn´t do anything until level 9, there are betters backline neutral tanks with Thorns, there is also a 6 mana cost neutral one however is the one with lot of armor and 1 health so it may be a place to use Tokatag Conscript over this card since there are counters against this other card also on a no armor ruleset, Is an Archer with Sneak, that is quite special, but it stats are quite weak for a 6 mana cost card, the Backfire on last level seams pointless, with it 9 health and Thorns if you use Triage can make it an interesting backline tank against melee. The worse part is that a 6 mana cost card need 9 levels to get his second and last attack.
Skyspire Leopard
Level 7 Second worse, it gets his max amount of health/armor there after it only gets 1 attack and it is not so useful with just his 2 speed, he will just miss most of his attacks in most rulesets, this one is my less favorite of the Rare rewards cards, is a mini tank for 5 mana cost and currently there are better options for the place, even in just Modern like Evelyn Auvera, his only use I can see is in the Reverse Speed ruleset.
Luceheim Demon
Level 3 if you can level up to max definitely do it, as he will help a lot on Noxious Fumes ruleset, if not, just the level 3 will help , there is not such a big difference between level 3 and 9, is on maxed level when it becomes a lot better, his best ruleset combination will be Reverse Speed and Poison Fumes, I consider this one as the third worse but can be an interesting pick for reverse speed with others slow archers and General Sloan to boost them, an on max level can be a strong back tank. But with my luck will be a miracle if it ever hit something on normal speed rulesets.
Ujurak Brave
Level 4 you get Silence on that level, this is a mini tank with immunity, there is a better version of this one Harklaw that has Shield, but having extra cards with Immunity can be good for Noxious Fumes plus if an extra ruleset allows melee units to attack from any position using both will give you a huge advantage on that battle. Currently there is a low chance you will use this card that is why is so low on the list.
Level 7 you want his 3rd attack at least otherwise is not very relevant, it may look very weak for most and a card you may want to skip but the True Strike is a premium ability one of the best abilities, still it does not safe this card , with his 3 attack it can help a little but his Void ability is complete irrelevant, in my opinion this is the second less interesting Reward Rare card and the fifth worse of all, only could seam some use because having more cards with True Strike is always good.
Janni Rebel
Level 5 where you get your third magic attack, this one is a very unpopular one due to for her Flank ability to work you need to put her as a tank but she not having tank abilities, however you can use her with a taunt on the back like Isiar and put a very strong melee in second position using her Flank ability a boosted by her Inspire, Jared Scar could be one of the best choices for this role or a melee unit with Inspire like Chaos Knight and going crazy with melee with 2 or more Inspires, level 6 to 8 bonus are quite good specially the last one that increases health and get a Divine Shield, both are good stats/abilities for a ´´tank´´.
Black Moor Wild Elf
Level 7 as well, after this it does not get too much stronger, the Cripple on maxed out is interest but you could live without that, on level 7 she gets his Armor stat, allowing her to survive an extra hit, this card is when you need Amplify and with Camouflage will be difficult to take her down, if level 7 seams to high a just a level 3 can do her thing, have Amplify and need the 3 health so does not kill herself with against Reflect. Even though is quite an interesting card specially for Earth with the Magic damage boost, Earth have others magic users with the abilities of this card and with higher damage or with better a more abilities so you may not see to much use from this card if you have the others ones from Chaos Legion.
Quilliun Legionary
Level 4 where it gets his Void ability, just in this level it gets mostly of his important stats, there is not too much difference between level 4 and max level, the only thing is the Bloodlust ability but in most of the battles you will not seen activated because of his low damage and speed but when it finally kills something he will make a big difference and can snow ball as others cards with the Bloodlust ability, you could use him as a back line tank and if the opponent was using an sneak melee you will probably win the battle.
Chaos Evoker
Level 5 here is where she gets her last damage increases with Ambush ability, this is a high mana cost card with low damage but quit tough, specially on her last level where she gets evasion, alone is not that impressive but with a summoner that increases her magic damage can star to deal a considerable damage thanks to her Blast ability, could be interesting with Conqueror Jacek that give Scattershot plus her Blast can cause some troubles for your opponent, From level 8 to 9 has the weakest stat increases 1 armor when already has 1 armor, while 1 armor is one of the best stat increases when the card not have any armor, when it already have 1 it does almost nothing at that level as almost everything at that level will deal more than 1 damage and most abilities that remove armor remove 2 at the time, currently there is almost no difference between 2 and 1 armor at higher levels.
Drybone Megalodon
Level 4 You at least want the Retaliate ability, this is an anti melee tank that have Flank ability allowing lots of difference strategies with powerful melee units on the second position, is a lot better anti-melee at max level when he gets Thorns, it is not a tank with a very high resistance so in normal battles you may want to put a taunt in the back making sure he will fight against melee units, you could also use Mana Warden on second position to give him Shield while he allow Mana Warden to attack from second position. This card has a lot of fans and may look weird why is no in a higher position, he does his role very well on max level with thorns but he need some specific cards like a taunt in the back for normal battles, if the rate was only counting the max level this card will be in a better position.
Chaos Adjutant
Level 5 You at least want his second magic attack if you want to use him in high level battles, this is a quite interesting one, with Snare plus Scattershot can remove flying for almost enemies if he has the time, definitely a good choice on Earthquake ruleset where you are expected flying units, now if you have him Maxed out he become a lot more interesting with Poison plus Scattershot is a deadly combination of skills that with some luck can end poison all the enemy team. If the top card only judge the maxed out form of the cards this one will be in a better position.
Giant Alpine Skin
Level 6 is where he gets his extra speed it is a decent tank with Shield, high speed and Phase , so he can dodge magic attacks that will ignore his Shield, definitely worth to maxed out where he get the stun and any level where he gets extra health is vital for a tank and is better for the ones with Shield since each health point can count as double against melee and ranged units. Definitely an excellent tank however water has even better tanks so you may no find you using this one too much.
Drybone Hobgoblin
Level 8 you really want his Shatter ability with his high speed he will take the tank armor with his first attack, if level 8 seams quite hard at you may want to have him at least at level 5 where he gets his second attack, maxed out is definitely worth specially for a melee damage line up with Tarsa, this is an interesting card with his Immunity ability, it make an excellent card for Noxious Fumes ruleset, it make a great combination with Forgotten One on that ruleset. A very strong card you will use often specially on little league but in normal games it have a lot of competition for his position.
Thunderhoof Nomad
Level 6 You will want her second magic attack, Reflection Shield is always an interesting ability for Magic attackers because Magic Reflect is a very common ability, also will help you with Blast, you can put it close to your Taunt or your Tank, max level is also interesting, you can use Triage to heal a Taunt you have put in the back , Earth already have low mana cost Triage but you can put all together making the Taunt almost unkillable for so much heal.
Broken Earth Thug
Level 5 besides his 2 damage you want his armor so he can take 1 extra attack, the Cripple is quite good sometimes, if you can you definitely want to use him on max level for his 3 damage, with just 2 damage you will find better options to use most of the times, he has broken on his name but he is not, he can be useful on Modern battles as an extra melee attacker, has quite good stats at max level but in Wild I will chose Maggots over this one even though it has lower stats, it may end with a lot higher health because of his Scavenger ability. This is a very stand alone strong card, no need of others cards or special rulesets to be strong, however it gets his third attack only on max level, if the list rate only max level versions this one will be in a better place.
Meriput Slinger
Level 5 an interesting card with the new ability Impede, you definitely need the Slow ability but also the Reflection Shield will be helpful not only to Protect it from Blast but also for Return Fire, others levels bonus are not so relevant for a ranged unit, the Redemption ability is always good but you can live without it. A very strong Archer you my use him often on high mana cost battles.
Kha'zi Conjurer
Level 3 Piercing help a lot you want a fast battle with this card and don´t want his high damage get wasted on 1 armor, this is one of the cards that are broken on Back to the Basics ruleset, but he is still goods on normal battles, last levels are good as he gets 2 points of damage in the last 2 levels.
Shock Trooper
Level 3 you may like to have his Swiftness but just in level 1 it complete his function, the best card for Return to the Basics ruleset, there isn´t very significant changes on this card until level 5 when you get 1 extra attack, but even without that he will complete his roll, mostly a card for Return to the Basics because of his weakness can be annoyed for your team most of the times, is still helpful on normal battles but sometimes the self damage to your team could be in your favor, for example on the ruleset that all your units have Enrage, or if you just using strong cards with Enrage on normal battles.
Mar Toren Trader
Level 4 only in this level this card will make you win maxed out battles with the only ranged ruleset, Ranged units with Headwinds are always, there are better cards for this ruleset but currently there are only 2 archers with Headwinds on Water Modern, her and Endura Brune that will be quite expensive to rent, each level that increases her health can help to make her tank more, her self heal is quite weird for a unit with just 7 health but it can make her extremely hard to kill her if you has reduced that opponent damage enough like using Quix the Devious as summoner for extra ranged damage decrease, level up her is interesting but she gets her main thing very early just on level 4.
Halaran Huntress
Level 7 for her 3 Damage, Maxed out is definitely worthy with his 4 damage, this is an strong card with Flying , Charge and Snare, the combination of Flying and Snare is a very strong one for Earthquake ruleset. So in case level 7 seams difficult to reach you can just try to reach the level 5, where it gains Reach. This is a very strong card on his own in any ruleset and overpower on Earthquake ruleset.
Ujurak Elder
Level 6 to use it you at least want the Strengthen plus 1 extra health to survive more turn against Magic Reflect, all others levels are not very relevant until the last one when he gets Swiftness, Swiftness + Strengthen for just 3 mana is pretty good plus with Camouflage it more likely will support your team for all the battle, you definitely want to maxed out this one if you can. This may not look that good at first but in case you manage to max it out you will find yourself using it more than most of the rewards cards, it is a neutral card that for 3 mana give you +1 speed and +1 health to all units giving +12 stats without counting his own.
Nimbledook Explorer
Level 6 You really want the Armored Strike on this one, an the extra armor on level 6 is pretty good because of the Armored Strike, this one is not only my favorite common and the one I use more but I also considered the best one of the Common Rebellion Rewards cards, is not only giving the Protect ability the Life really need, you can also give him a Magic attack or another damage type with Weapons Training. The self heal is a little weird on last level but if you can you will definitely want the extra armor on level 9.
Dragon Egg Forager
Level 5 He star to be quite useful with his third attack, you really want him on at least on level 7 to get his fourth attack but with just 3 can still help you, is a quite interesting melee with Opportunity with very high health that will end with a lot more thanks to his Scavenger ability, may end with so much health that may look like a tank at the end of the battle.
Continuum Seer
Level 5 you want her second magic attack and also her 5 speed to have some evasion, this one of the cards that you really want it maxed out, there is a big difference in each level allowing her to have higher chance of evading attacks, it is incredible weak against Magic Reflect, may kill herself on the first turn, however on the Equality ruleset this card may be one of your best options and if it have Enrage because of a Ruleset or you give her with Skargore it can become almost impossible to hit.
Commander Slade
Level 4 the second best rare card of the set, even just in level 2 this card can help you in maxed out battles, specially when the ruleset give you Enrage, the Reflection Shield may not help too much with Blast unless you give this unit Reach and used in second position, but it will always help preventing damage from Thorns and each Health/armor point is pretty important for a tank, this one is one of the cards you will want to max out , the extra speed plus the Back Fire increases this card power level a lot both stats are suit a lot this unit. This is the favorite of a lots of players.
Dark Arborist
Level 4 it gets his second attack there, this one maxed out is the best Rare reward card from the rebellion set, if you are planning to maxed out any of the rare cards this should be your first choice, it gets his Void ability on max level, it is a Magic unit with Void and Magic Reflect, for the Magic only ruleset this is one of the best options of the game. It can also help in normal rulesets.
Thanalorian Blade
Level 4 you get her third attack here, on previous levels have a very low attack for a 6 mana card, this and Olivia are the only epics of the set that are not that good at level 1, but at the first 2 levels up she gets 2 very strong abilities, Execute and Lookout and them for her 4 level she get her third attack that she really need, this is a card that will be a lot stronger if you manage to maxed out, beside having more attack she get the Trample ability that can combo with Execute making it trigger more times, also Execute will greatly increases the chances of killing a unit increasing as well the trigger for Trample, now imaging this card maxed out on Stampede ruleset. It is pretty decent in level 4 but on maxed out it can make you win the game by itself.
Arachne Weaver
Level 3 Scavenger is a very useful ability and will help you to keep him alive, but his broken ability is Corrupted Healing this is what will help you and what make him useful even in maxed out battles just on his level 1, this in level 1 can make you win Diamond or even Champion battles, higher level are obviously better since he is very fragile on level 1, but on max level he just get poison what is pretty good but not broken as the other Epic cards get on last level. His Heal ability is simply too strong.
Olivia of the Brook
Level 3 Yes she gets her broken and unique ability at level 2 but you want her armor to avoid she gets one shot and allow her to gets more abilities , this one is not that strong at level 1 as most of the others epic but at level 2 she become a monster with her mimic ability can, as longer the battle is she will have more abilities becoming unstoppable eventually, is a lot stronger if you manage to boost her stats with a Martyr ability, the level 5 is pretty good as she gets one extra melee attack but last level is not that necessary.
This is one of the favorites cards of most players of the whole set and for good reasons. The favorite reward card of most players and for a good reason.
Night Reaper
Level 3 The Reflection Shield it get at this level is pretty helpful not only to avoid the damage return from magic reflect that is a pretty common ability but in this case mostly to avoid Blast, on the battles you will use him: high mana battles when Dragon is allowed probably with Earthquake as well, there will more likely be the Chaos Dragon on the opponent team, so you can be safe from his Blast, this card is even helpful on level 1 Wingbreak plus Flying is a combination that you will use most of the times on Earthquake rulesets, also this is one of the cards that you will want to maxed out if is possible, as it becomes insanely strong on his 2 last level with the extra attack and final with his Last Stance.
Halfling Refugee
Level 3 You want his Self Heal this can provided a lot of extra health depending on the battle, if he just heal one time is complete worthen, this is an insane card at any level , even in level 1 can help you on max level battles, for 1 mana give you 6 health , with just that is good enough but he also have attack them you get a Self Heal and keep increasing damage and heal, his weakness is not very relevant since you are mostly using him for his health, however in Return to the Basics ruleset he will not have his weakness and will be a 1 man cost 5 attack with 8 health. It may look like a weird pick for the best reward card since this is quite weak, but based in his mana cost is the strongest you get all this stats for just 1 mana cost, this card is the one I use more an over state 1 mana cost neutral card definitely will have the highest use.
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Your ranking was really interesting to read, especially because I don't upgrade my cards to max level and I disagree on one or two cards, but I think that's normal. 😅
For example, I wouldn't have rated Continuum Seer and Tanalorian Blade as good, but Quilliun Legionary and Ujurak Brave a bit better.
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar