Beating Lux Vega with General Sloan
Somehow I keep running against Lux Vega and because of the splinters allowed my only option is General Sloan but it is still possible to beat this Legendary summoner with just General Sloan as I have showed in several battles on Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!, we both went mostly with archers we both used 4 archers and 3 of them was the same but the one that he do not use and I´m was Pelacor Arbalest that have an insane damage specially with General Sloan boosting his attack, he deals 8 damage per turn with his Double Strike ability and could do a lot higher on this battle because of the ruleset that give Blast to all units, however we both play well against Blast by using by putting Coursair Bosun with Reflection Shield.
My Battle:
Battle Link: Click here to see the Full battle
Round 2
Round 3 and Final
Rulesets and battle Conditions:
Explosive Weaponry: All monsters have the Blast ability.
Briar Patch: All monsters have the Thorns ability.
Rise of the Commons: only Commons and Rer monsters may be used in Battle.
Mana cap: 50
Splinters allowed: Life, Nature.
General Strategy for Rise of the Commons ruleset.
Mostly is about of having the cards, have enough Common and Rer cards to fill all positions, for example if your only good tanks are legendary or epic you will have big problems with this ruleset, the one with most cards will have the advantage, well the one with most common and rer cards will be able to pull a better team according to the mana cost and the other ruleset that will limit more your options.
General Strategy for Explosive Weaponry Ruleset:
On Explosive Weaponry Ruleset you want one or more units the Reflection Shield ability to protect you for the additional damage from Blast, use abilities that can attack units on the middle like Snipe, opportunity, Scattershot, so the Blast damage hit 3 units , speed is king as in most rule-sets but here is even stronger, having higher damage because of blast allows you to kill faster and as you kill them before they attack you prevent high amount of damage because the enemy have also blast, Armor is also very helpful, reducing armor from your enemy as well and the Martyr ability can be useful as well.
In resume use Reflection Shield, high speed, high damage, try going for the middle instead of going for the tank and play around this as your opponent may be going to do something similar.
General Strategy for Briar Patch ruleset:
Mainly is avoid using melee units, unless they have Reflection Shield also if you don´t have a great no-melee tank, your best option may be a melee unit, in this case try to use something with Shield to reduce the damage of the thorns or something with Recharge so it does not attack so offend, play around range and magic attack from your opponent, Amplify will be strong on this ruleset and a lot more if you are using another return damage ability, Rust can help in case your opponent still decide to go with melee and use armor to reduce the damage on his units, you can use this strategy as well to surprise your opponent using a summoner that provided armor to all your units or protect or both, beware that your opponent can counter with Rust.
Is an Auto-battler game where all card are NFT, you can own them and sell them when ever you want or rent them, you will earn SPS each time you win a battle and you can change it for USD if you want, it is a fun game with a playtoearn aspect that greatly increases the fun.
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