Good morning Splinterfriends and Hivers!! Praetorians and Chaos Legion alike!
Your favorite Land Blogger just returned from vacation and I am ready to type up this weeks Land Update!!
With that being said, the overall markets have been a little weird with the US Mafia... errr US Federal Reserve's Rate Cut announcement... or more like lack of rate cuts... amirite?!?!
If you were paying attention, the markets responded like they always do to that sort of thing...
Why do I bring this up? If you've been reading my blog for any length of time... you know there's usually a point to my references like this...
My point is that land just hasn't been a huge focus lately - I wrote my last update about Land just over 12 Days ago and you can check that out here:
Since then, it's kinda been "All quiet on the Lard Market front"... at least on the "Discovery" side of things... the Market side of things yeeted itself off a cliff lol (that's why I am typing this today)
Last time we checked, we were at Plot 67 in Tract 01 of Region 143 (Dryae Tor). Since then, we have seen 14 new Plots Claimed & Surveyed which puts us at:
While there wasn't a ton of new Land discovered... let us go see what was found and then check out the Land Markets - where conversely... LOTS of things happened in the last 14 days!
Arriving in Dryae Tor, we make our way back to the previous stopping point to see that my Swamp still sits barren and empty... Plot 67, owned by me... derelict with only a few people calling themselves "Politicians" for some reason, milling about.
Enough of that, let's set out for Plot 68 and see what was discovered!
Plot 68 is our first stop and it is a Common Natural Badlands owned by @jef-001 - congrats Jef, like my Swamp - it's dormant but perhaps it will be used in the future!
Plot 69... Nice...
Erhem... Plot 69 is @shakeyp with Common Natural Plains! Nice find shakeyp, let's see what's next!
Plot 70 is... are we lost? I swear this looks like more of Plot 69... Nope... Plot 70, much like P69 is another shakeyp Common Natty Plains! Enldess plains as far as I can see!!
Plot 71... seriously??? We're really not walking in circles??? Shakeyp bags another C Natty Plains and I'm beginning to think we ARE IN KANSAS or something...
Plot 72 is... IS THIS WHAT INFINITY LOOKS LIKE... Let's see Mr Frodo... C Natty Plains and look... morrrrrrrrrrre C Natty Plains owned by shakeyp...
Plot 73 is a Common Natural Hills, still part of shakeyp's domain... but I'm not lost in an endless sea of Plains after all!!!
Plot 74 is back into the sweeping Plains of shakeyp's property... yup... another Common Natural Plains!!
Plot 75 is a fancy Rare Natural Hills and it is very pretty around here!
Plot 76 is... sigh... back into the abyss I guess... another C N Plains owned by shakeyp... or is it the same one... over... and over... and over!!!!
Plot 77 is... oh hello! @bengiles with a Common Natural Swamp with a small Grain Farm on it!
Plot 78 is literally identical... another C Natty Swamp... both of them have 11k PP and both of them are producing about 220 Grain/hour...
Plot 79... looks around... HAVE WE ENTERED THE TWIGHLIGHT ZONE?!? A third bengiles C Natty Swamp... with 11k PP, 220 Grain/hour!
This brings us to the final Plot that was Claimed and Surveyed since our last report...
Plot 81 is... drum roll... DANG!! Another nice find!!! Congrats @jerwin2022 on the Epic Natural Plains you discovered!! I see you have a Grain Farm being built so we will leave you be for the moment and check back next time!
Thank you for joining us so far... we go to Peakmonsters to get the latest Land Prices and see how things are going!!
Coming to you LIVE, from the @peakmonsters Financial Desk we give you your long awaited, always satisfying, never disappointing WEEKLY LAND MARKET UPDATE!!!
Let's see what updates and possible deals we can find today, in the Peakmonsters Land Market Tab!!
Natural Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Rare (386) [+12]: $14.99 {-$1.01 from Previous Report} -- "This looks REAL CHEAP... Seriously... Rares starting with $FOURTEEN?!?"
Legendary (21) [+1]: $289.999 {-$54.99 from Previous Report} -- "Legendary Lands... back under $300... SOMEONE COME SWEEP THE FLOOR"Common (1,496) [+74!]: $11.10 {+$0.10 from Previous Report} -- "These are pretty dang cheap with @bamrepa setting the floor!"
Epic (110) [+4]: $50 {-$10 from Previous Report} -- "$50 Epics... why are they still available?!? @cryptowoody out here with BARGAIN DEALS!!"
Magical Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Rare (79) [ -1]: $39.99 {-$17.009 from Previous Report} -- "I'm sorry... RARE MAGIC LAND... UNDER
Epic (31) [+7]: $134.989 {-$64.01!!! from Previous Report} -- "DEAL ALERT!!"
LEGENDARY Magical Land!!"Common (205) [+61!!]: $26.989 {-$7.00!! from Previous Report} -- "@ivan-jz4 is unloading a stash of these CHEAP... LIKE REALLY CHEAP!!! 😲"... $40?!?!? WTF?!?! @jmonahan is offering THEEEEE DEAL for these!!!"
Legendary (7) [+1]: $999 {-$801 from Previous Report} -- "It looks like @aatrox put up a sub $1,000
Occupied Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Flat, 14% drop in price 🤔"
Rare (23) [ -2]: $124.989 {-$15.01! from Previous Report} -- "Those are DEALS waiting to get scooped up!" {Supply DOWN, Price down too??? Hmmm}
Epic (7) [NC]: $750 {No Change (NC) from Previous Report} --
Legendary (3) [NC]: $2,777 {NC from Previous Report} -- "Still one of the cheapest I have seen... but no action! "Common (63) [NC]: $85.989 {-$14.01! from Previous Report} -- "Occupied under $90!!!! Holy cow @ivan-jz4 and @jmonahan have some serious discounts on these!!" {Interesting Observation - Supply
Do with this data as you will!!! It's not financial advice, just data and my observations, with a humorous twist!
Mythic Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Keep (21) [+4]: $699 {-$91 from Previous Report} --
Castle (2) [NC]: $11,000 {NC from Previous Report!} "Get you a Castle, my Liege to be... that seems to be a good price and it is holding steady!!"
Land Claim (# Available) [+/- #]: High Bid$/$Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Plot Claim (74) [+3]: $10 Bid/$49.989 Mkt Price {NC Bid/+$5.99 Ask}
Tract Claim (2) [+1]: $.07 Bid/$11,750 Mkt Price {-$.93 Bid (lol)/+$250 Ask} -- "Back to two for sale"
Region Claim (1) [NC]: $2.25 Bid/1 For Sale, still at $88,888.88 -- "No change here"
Deer3 is still holding onto that $88,888.00 Price and with the Bull Market Coming... they just may get it!
Totem Claims (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Common (868) [N/A]: $20 High Bid??/$5.394 Mkt Price {No Previous Report} --
Rare (143) [N/A]: $16 High Bid/$73.50 Mkt Price {No Previous Report} --
Epic (21) [N/A]: $70 High Bid/$375 Mkt Price {No Previous Report} --
Legendary (2) [N/A]: $1,010 High Bid/$1,750 Mkt Price {No Previous Report} --
Totem Fragments (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Common (281) [N/A]: $.65 High Bid??/$.539 Mkt Price {No Previous Report} -- "Combine 10 for a Common Totem = $5.39 for a Common Totem"
Rare (74) [N/A]: $2.01 High Bid/$3.25 Mkt Price {No Previous Report} -- "Combine 8 for a Rare Totem = $26 for a Rare Totem"
Epic (17) [N/A]: $10 High Bid/$19.80 Mkt Price {No Previous Report} -- "Combine 6 for an Epic Totem = $118.80 for an Epic Totem"
Legendary (12) [N/A]: $135 High Bid???/$110 Mkt Price {No Previous Report} -- "Combine 4 for a Legendary Totem = $440 for a Legendary Totem"
That's it folks, we've reached the end of the Land Update!! I shall continue to refine these as we go along and I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments!!
That's all I have for you today folks!! Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!
Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!
They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!
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Cheers 🍻,
- CaptainDingus
#Splinterlands #Land #Hive #play2earn #web3 #NFTGaming #Rebellion #Conflicts
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Thanks for the Pizza Danzocal!
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon
Thank you!
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(4/10) @danzocal tipped @captaindingus