Splinterlands Land Update Episode 11 with the Weekly Market Report - 2/19/24

in #splinterlands11 months ago

Good morning everyone!

I am still dealing with the Water Heater issue from yesterday but I am working towards a resolution that won't cost me an arm and a leg 😖

I am excited about todays update though - a lot has happened in the world of Praetoria... or as I like to say the Splinterlands... teehee... sooooo punny!


Let's start with the overview page and take a look at the developments from the top down, with the overview:


As you can see... there's been quite a bit of activity!!

Last week, we were at (R139) Virren: Tract 04, Plot 84...

This week... we are all the way up to (R139) Virren: Tract 05, Plot 22!


That means we have roughly FORTY PLOTS that were Claimed/Surveyed in the last week and I can't wait to see what they discovered!!

Let's check in with Field Me and see what his status is, hopefully he isn't lounging by the pool this week... vacation is over... BACK TO WORK!!

Field me?


It looks like Field Me has left the vacation spot and is in fact... BACK IN THE FIELD!!


"That's right Desk Me, I have dutifully returned to work, leaving the life of luxury behind!! As much as I enjoyed the R&R... I belong here, in the WILDS OF PRAETORIA!! Who else can you count on, to get you the most up to date info on the happenings out here in the Splinterlands!!!"

We've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!!


We will start where we left off last week, except this time, we will be there on foot, instead of reporting remote!

Coming to you, straight from the source, we are deep in the magmatic crater of Region 139 Virren: Tract 04... and today we will start our expedition from last weeks final plot, Plot 84!

Plot 84 from last week was the Horror Factory discovered by @tularosaboys

Great job guys... those things are sickening... but they will provide a very valuable resource in the near future!! When Land 2.0 is out, the Occupied Plots will be the ONLY kind of Plot to provide Essences from their "Outposts".

Currently, the tularosaboys have press-ganged these abominations into makeshift Farmers somehow... as we can see the freakshow toiling away at the soil... unbelievably... Tularosaboys has done something incredible as these monsters are putting in some work... 12,350 pp for 247 grain/h! Good job guys!! Keep it up!!

(Smile and wave boys, we're getting the fuuuuck outta here, it's disgusting 🤢)


Onward we go though then, into the unknown!!!

Our first stop brings us to Plot 85 here in Virren Tract 04... let's see what was found and meet the proud new owners!!!!

Plot 85 is a Common Natural Caldera that was Claimed and Surveyed by @punkyflowers Nice work Punkyflowers!! I see you have... Twenty... Five... PP on this?

I... uh... I am not sure what is going on there... but... we are just gonna mosey on down the road (get back in the van and let go... somethings weird and I bet we hear banjos any minute)




Whew... close one...

Plot 86 is also a Punkyflowers Common Natty Caldera and we are just cruising on by with the doors locked and the windows UP.

Plot 87 is pretty cool! It's another one owned by @punkyflowers but this one is a (C) Magic [Fire] Caldera!! There's 736PP going into this one... Looks like Punky needs a few more workers!!

Plot 88 is Punkyflowers again! This is another (C) N Caldera and they have 1,300PP dedicated to this property... we'll check back and see what they've built at a later date!

Plot 89 is a lil thottie... no... wait. Common Natural Badlands... That's the one.

Punky snagged a bunch of land last week and that includes this plot! No PP to see so we are moving along!

Plot 90 is a Rare Natty Caldera that was claimed by someone new: @yokosama !! Nice find yokosama!! We can see the tiny lil farm you have running :) It's pulling in 181.5 Grain/h with 9,075PP!

Congratulations and keep up the great work!!

Moving along to Plot 91 we another wasteland of a (C) N Caldera owned by someone we met on prior expeditions, @mchurchm - no development here, wave as we go past!


Onward to Plot 92!!

Plot 92 is mchurchm again with another (C) N Caldera... and no PP...

Plot 93 is @thaag back for more!! Thaag has quite a number of Plots in this Region already buy they got a Rare Natty Caldera today!! Nice find thaag!!

Well ho... ly... shit. If there was an award or Title for "Subjectively best IGN, under extremely niche constraints to a nerdy elder millennial"... you'd DEFINITELY win that one in my book!!

Plot 94 is another Rare Natty Caldera but this one by someone with the glorious IGN of @mostlyharmless42 - nice find, legendary name!!

I would love to conduct an interview but must be moving on as I have a lot more to cover and little time to do it!!

Plot 95 is another thottie:


DAMNIT - I dunno what's wrong with me today... thots on the brain I guess... it's a plague or something from all that pool time :(

Plot 95 is another Common Natty Baddie... not thottie... Badlands... this one is owned by @khoi-pm - congrats on your new Plot!!

Plot 96 & 97 are Claimed by @fujifluz42 but are as of yet, unsurveyed... I wonder what they are hiding in there... hmmmmmmmmmm... No time to ponder, onward!!!

Plot 98 is another (C) N Caldera and another Thaag property! Seriously, your Land collection is growing every week - nicely done!

Plot 99 is also thaag with a Tho-- (C) Natty Baddie...

THE FINAL PLOT IN (R139) Virren: Tract 04, PLOT 100 IS...

womp womp


While I was hoping for a Legendary or something... Plot 100 is a (C) N Caldera owned by Land Baron Thaag (who owns the keep in this Tract, don't forget)

However... we have reached the end of Tract 04... What an adventure this has been... however, we leave the sulfurous brimstone of the massive Caldera behind in Eastern Virren... and head across the Region towards the Western Border, where we shall explore the newly unlocked Tract 05!!

As you can see from the map of Virren, the two Tracts couldn't be more different!! Whereas Tract 04 was dry, desolate and covered in lava... Tract 05 has turned out to be a swampy, boggy, flooded marshlands and frankly... the humidity will probably grow old... but right now, the moisture feels AMAZING on my parched skin... ahhh...

Hopefully there's nothing too creepy out here, let's take a moment to set up camp and we shall set out at first light on our expedition...


Yaaaaaaaaaawn... that wasn't soooo bad... With daybreak comes ADVENTURE!!!


Ok... well... I didn't see anything scary last night but the sun here is terrifying... 😐

Lets go see what R139 Virren: Tract 05 has in store for us today!!

Plot 01 is a Rare Natural Swamp owned by @wulfinite - another familiar landowner here in Virren! No PP as of yet, so we move on... great work Wulf and good to see you again!

Plot 02 is also wulfinite and this one is a (C) Natural Swamp with no PP... Lots of Mosquitos though... that shall not deter your faithful friend, Field Me, from doing the hard work and exploring this vast world we call Praetoria!!

Plot 03 is another (C) N Swamp with wulfinite as the Deed Holder! No PP here either so we continue with our exploration!

Plot 04 is @nichtwiesie coming back for another Plot!! The have Claimed and Surveyed a (C) N Swamp too! Lotta that going around... who gets the first Magical or even Occupied Plot of Tract 05?? Lets keep pushing and I hope to find out!!

Plot 05 is (C) N Swamp also owned by nichtwiesie but this one is listed for sale!


Wait... what is that... is that... zoom:



Plot 06 is a Common Natural Bog and we have a new face here: @sergeantbawbag !! Hi there!! We see you have things under construction with 1,650 PP hard at work. We'll leave you to it but congrats on the new Plot!!

Plot 07 is another listing from Real Estate Magnate Nichtwhatever... It is also a (C) N Swamp and it too is for sale!! At just over 29k DEC, it is below the previous $30 floor... but believe it or not, it isn't the lowest priced Plot out there!

Smells like... sniff sniff... opportunity...

Plot 08 is... Nichtwhatever again with a (C) N Swamp for sale... They sure have a lot of these... Same price as their other one, snatch it up if you want to speculate on Land!!

Plot 09... is... let me guess... a (C) N Swamp... for sale by Nichtdude...

#WRONG -- It's a Common Natty Thottie!!!


I MEAN A (C) N Baddie!! Plz halp.

Plot 09 is a Nichtguy Plot for sale... and it's the same price as their Swamps!

Plots 10 & 11 are also theirs and also for sale at the ~ 29k DEC price 🤑

Plot 12 however... is the first Magical Plot for the Tract and it is another Nichtwiesie property!! Congrats on the find NW! I see you've listed it for sale as well: ~67k Dec seems like a fair price but I haven't checked the markets yet!


Click Above Pic to go straight to the Splinterlands Page where you can buy it!

Plot 13 is yet another (C) N Swamp for sale by Real Estate Tycoon NW!!!

Plot 14 is another familiar face - @syncrinity !! They have Claimed and Surveyed their first Plot here in Tract 05 of Virren... it too is a (C) N Swamp and is not under development as there is no PP working on it.

Plot 15 is more sycnrinity but this time they Surveyed a Common Magic [Death] Swamp!! Nicely done sync!! No PP to see... but I bet they will shortly!!

Plots 16 & 17 are more Common N Swamps by syncrinity but...

Plot 18 is syncrinity with ANOTHER (C) Magic Swamp but this time it is [Water]!!! Wow!! Two Magic Plots in that bunch - nice find!!

Plots 19 & 20 are a refreshing change... Sync found a pair of (C) N River Plots to finish this batch of Deeds they Claimed and Surveyed!

Plot 21 is another (C) N River Plot but this one is by a different friend: @stealthtrader !! Nice find stealth!!

The last plot Claimed and Surveyed this week... Plot 22 is next...

Drumroll please...





@nichtwiesie YOU LUCKY DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I can hardly believe what I am seeing right now!! It's... BEAUTIFUL!!!

Congrats NW!! You deserve it!!


I see you have it for sale though... a little north of 1 million DEC... that seems like a deal!!

checks market report... IT IS A DEAL!!!


For prospective buyers: Direct Portal to the Plot

I wish you the best of luck and congratulations again!!

What a find and what a way to end the Land Update for this week!!!

Hot damn country ham!! Top that "Nerd Me"!!! I mean... Back to the studio, here's "Financial Me" with the boring ass reports from the Market.


"I... I... uh... ruff... I am not even sure how to reply to that but Field Me seems more excited than a Cat tripping balls on Catnip, chasing a laser pointer..."

While he says we are "boring" I disagree!! There have been some major developments in the market as well as the field!!

Both are important and both are interesting... we just happen to have less Mosquitos and Monsters lurking around the office... Unless you spot our manager lurking about the shadows...

Just kidding Bob, you're awesome and we couldn't do it without you 😉

Coming to you LIVE, from the @peakmonsters Financial Desk we give you your long awaited, always satisfying, never disappointing WEEKLY LAND MARKET UPDATE!!!

Let's see what updates and possible deals we can find in the Peakmonsters Land Market Tab!!

Before we begin, it looks like we have some MAJOR NEWS from the Common Natty Plots!! The $30 floor that held up for soooo long has BROKEN!!! @rtron86 and @moriarty95 have a significant number of Plots available at $26 & $27 respectively! Lets go see what else has been shaken up!!

Natural Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (1323) [+45!]: $26!! {New Market Low!!! -$3.90 from Previous Report}
Rare (285) [+18]: $38 {NC from Previous Report} -- "$38 Floor barely holding"
Epic (53) [NC]: $125 {NC from Previous Report} -- " @trudders still low @ $125"
Legendary (11) [+1]: $574 {-$125 from Previous Report} -- "NEW MARKET LOW!!"

Magical Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (140) [+3]: $63 {-$8.50 from Previous Report} -- "prices still rapidly declining and I am now uncertain as to the cause"
Rare (40) [-3 ]: $94.99 {-$19.01!! from Previous Report} -- "RARE MAGIC < $100!!"
Epic (17) [+1]: $220 {-$70!!from Previous Report} -- "👀"
Legendary (4) [+2]: $989 {-$480 from Previous Report} -- "Nichtwiesie with the BEST PRICED Lego Magico!!"

Let's head over and take a look at the Atrocities that they call "Occupied Plots"...

Occupied Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Common (32) [+1]: $199 {-$31 from Previous Report} -- "Under $200 again!!"
Rare (10) [+2]: $398 {-$1 from Previous Report} -- "Supply up 25% and price steady"
Epic (3) [-1]: $900 {-$100 from Previous Report} -- "Back under $1,000"
Legendary (1) [-1! ]: $8,000! {NC from Previous Report} -- "This might be here awhile (until the Bull)"

Do with this data as you will!!! It's not financial advice, just data and my observations, with a humorous twist!

Coming up next, Mythics! But first, a word about our friends over at Peakmonsters!

Do you have a couple million $DEC just laying around?? Why keep that large and hard to store pile of crystals... when instead you could become a LORD!!!!

That's right, SIRE... You can become a Liege with ease... A veritable Tax Titan... you can put that DEC to work FOR YOU... All you gotta do is click on the image below and you'll be a few steps away from lounging in your very own Kingdom!!


(not official sponsors or affiliated with Peakmonsters at all - I just use their data and give them shoutouts as a thank you)

Mythic Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Keep (6) [-1 ]: $1,500! {-$300 from Previous Report} -- "PRICE @ $1,500!!"
Castle (1) [NC]: $15,000 {NC from Previous Report!} -- "see below"

@poliwalt10 still has their Castle for sale and the price is still $15,000!! It's located in (R053) Althainia, Tract 08... You too can be the proud owner of a Castle for the paltry sum of only 15,646,187 $DEC!!

Click the Castle below, to be taken directly to it!!


This is your chance to own 1 of 150 Castles in Splinterlands!!

Land Claim (# Available) [+/- #]: High Bid$/$Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"

Plot Claim (44) [-3]: $60 Bid/$103.50 Mkt Price {+$58 Bid/+$6.70 Ask}
Tract Claim (3) [NC]: $110 Bid/$8,000 Mkt Price {NC Bid/NC Ask}
Region Claim (1) [NC]: $111 Bid/1 For Sale -- "Deer3 is still showing off their region for sale at $108k

@deer3 has not responded to tags for questioning unfortunately so their motives remain unclear... so cool to see though!


That's it folks, we've reached the end of Land Update Episode 11!! I shall continue to refine these as we go along and I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments!!


Here's the Tl;Dr for those who want the info without reading the story 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭:

  2. Land Markets experiencing some big swings!
  3. Keeps are at $1,500!!
  4. Castle discounted to $15,000
  5. Rare Occupied Land still seems to be a bargain right now
  6. Conflicts are probably stealing the Spotlight 😒
  7. Common Land Plot floor @ $30 BROKEN!! New Low of $26!!!!

Thank you for joining me, even those who skipped to the Tl;Dr at the end 😞

Make sure you click the "Follow" Button and please leave your feedback, comments and thoughts below!!

I'd love to have you join me in-game and you can sign up at this link:


Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

Until Next Time.png

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