Good morning Splinterfriends, it has been awhile since I have done a Land Update and I've seen a few things of note in the "Land Barons" Channel of the Splinterlands Discord...
I am going to do a Land Update and Market Report today so we can keep track of Land Prices... but I am also going to add in the "Grain Forecast" as I have some thoughts on what Land 1.75 and Land 2.0 will do to Grain Prices... and their associated Plots...
As usual, before we begin, let us take a look back at the previous Land Update to see where we were... Previous Land Update

Ok that was a month ago on February 6th - lets see how much has changed since then...

A month after @twotaps pulled a Legendary Occupied and Common Occupied back to back to close out Tract 01 of Dryae Tor (R143) we have 16 new Plots that have been Claimed & Surveyed so let's go check them out, starting with Plot 01 of Tract 2!!
Ok friends, let's see what awaits us in the newly discovered Tract 2 of Dryae Tor!
Starting off in this fresh area we arrive at our first destination...
Plot 01 is Common Natural Forest owned by @mrkizzle - congrats on snagging the first Plot of Tract 2!! Currently they aren't working it but we'll check back soon to see how that has developed!
Plot 02 is @swecookie and it is still raw and Unsurveyed! Wow - I wonder why they're keeping that one under wraps?!?
Plot 03 is a Common Natty Forest owned by @watsoen and they are working on a tiny Grain Farm with just over 725 production - probably be ready in time for Land 1.75... 😓
Plot 04 is @twotaps trying their luck again - no Legendary Occupied Land here unfortunately... just another Common Natty Forest.
Plot 05 is more twotaps... and more C N Forest... we may be lost in the woods...
Plot 06 is twotaps double tapping into their luck again... Epic Natural Forest!! Nice pull ya lucky dog!!
This is such a nice Forest too... I'm sure Treebeard is running around here somewhere!!
Yup, there he is... all "welcome to my crib yo"... lol ok - moving on!
Plot 07 is more woods and another twotaps property - Common Natty Forest...
Plot 08 is @bengiles with a Common Magic [Fire] - Plains! They have a Research Hut running with 47k production and they're cranking out some Research!
Plot 09 is a newcomer!! @elfy411 with a Common Natural Forest - welcome to Praetoria if this is your first Plot, CONGRATS!!
Plot 10 is another elfy411 Plot and yes... it is another C N Forest...
Plot 11 is like the Suburbia of Forests... it's a Rare Natural Forest and it is another elfy411 property!
Plot 12 is a random Rare Natural Bog just laying about... elfy411 picked this up too and it's a pretty slick find!!
Plot 13 is more elfy411 and more C N Forest - back into the woods...
Plot 14 is very bright as we burst from the Forest onto a wide, sweeping Common Natty Plains???? Checking the signpost this too is owned by elfy411 but what the heck is up with the topography of this place?!?
Plot 15 is another new face @deathluckey and they have a Common Natural Forest!! Welcome and congrats!!
Plot 16 is our final Plot and this one is another Common Natty Forest and this one is owned by @cherokee4life
Congrats to everyone who pulled some Land this month - here's to seeing what happens on the next Land Update!! Now let's head over to Peakmonsters to see what's going on with the Land Market!
Thank you for joining us so far... we go to Peakmonsters to get the latest Land Prices and see how things are going!!
Coming to you LIVE, from the @peakmonsters Financial Desk we give you your long awaited, always satisfying, never disappointing WEEKLY LAND MARKET UPDATE!!!
Let's see what updates and possible deals we can find today, in the Peakmonsters Land Market Tab!!
Natural Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Common (1,876) [+87!!]: $12.50 {-$1.50 from Previous Report} -- "Plot Supply still way Up but Price didn't come sharply Down!"
Rare (472) [ -1]: $19 {+$2 from Previous Report} -- "Supply down 1 yet Price up $2??? Interesting!!"
Epic (89) [+2]: $65 {-$15 from Previous Report} -- "Back near that $60 mark... snatch it up while you can!"
Legendary (18) [NC]: $289.999 {No Change from Previous Report} -- "There's been some activity here... but ironically we have the same amount of Legendary Land and at the same Price as last month lol"
Magical Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Common (222) [+8]: $25.999 {-$1.001 from Previous Report} -- "These seem really cheap... but Land 1.75 is making things interesting..."
Rare (83) [NC]: $35 {-$3 from Previous Report} --
Epic (28) [NC]: $125 {+$10 from Previous Report} --
Legendary (10) [+2]: $699 {-$189 from Previous Report} -- "Legendary Magical Land under $700 again!"
Occupied Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Common (62) [+4]: $75 {-$9.999 from Previous Report} -- "Dang, that may be the lowest I have seen them!"
Rare (26) [+7]: $109.999 {-$10 from Previous Report} --
Epic (9) [+1]: $379 {-$100 from Previous Report} -- "Oh dang! Epic Occupied under $400?!? That seems pretty good... 👀"
Legendary (2) [ -1]: $2,500 {+$960 from Previous Report} --
Do with this data as you will!!! It's not financial advice, just data and my observations, with a humorous twist!
Mythic Land (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Keep (16) [+1]: $650 {-$238 from Previous Report} --
Castle (3) [NC]: $7,900 {+$1,060 from Previous Report} --
Land Claim (# Available) [+/- #]: High Bid$/$Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Plot Claim (79) [+3]: $1.00 Bid/$40.999 Mkt Price {+$1.00 Bid/+$1.312 Ask} --
Tract Claim (2) [NC]: $.07 Bid/$11,750 Mkt Price {NC Bid/NC Ask} --
Region Claim (1) [NC]: $2.250 Bid/1 For Sale, still at $88,888.88 {+$2.249 Bid/NC Ask}-- "Y'all are just doing that to make me type aren't you 🤔"
Deer3 is still holding onto that $88,888.00 Price and with the Bull Market Coming... they just may get it!
Totem Fragments (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Common (205) [+1]: $.65 High Bid??/$.749 Mkt Price {NC Bid/+$.345 Buy} -- "Combine 10 @ Mkt Price = $7.49 for a Common Totem!" --- it's already happening...
Rare (66) [-4]: $3.00 High Bid/$4.40 Mkt Price {NC Bid/+$.71 Buy} -- "Combine 8 @ Mkt Price = $35.20 for a Rare Totem"
Epic (9) [ -11]: $12 High Bid/$22.75 Mkt Price {-$3.00 Bid/+$4.55 Buy} -- "Combine 6 @ Mkt Price = $136.50 for an Epic Totem"
Legendary (9) [NC]: $135 High Bid/$129.90 Mkt Price {NC Bid/-$10.10 Buy} -- "Combine 4 @ Mkt Price = $519.60 for a Legendary Totem"
Totem Claims (# Available) [+/- #]: $Low Market Price {Price Change} -- "Notes"
Common (771) [ -60]: $20 High Bid??/$7.95 Mkt Price {MC Bid/+$1.57 Buy} --
Rare (153) [+1]: $15 High Bid/$69.69 Mkt Price {NC Bid/+$14.69 Buy} -- "Nice."
Epic (21) [NC]: $70 High Bid/$300 Mkt Price {NC Bid/-$75 Buy} --
Legendary (2) [NC]: $1.01 High Bid/$1,750 Mkt Price {NC Bid/NC Buy} --
Ok friends - that's the end of the Land Market Update!!! Big shout out to @jarvie and @asgarth for everything they do at @peakmonsters... Especially their Node Hosting Service for all you Code-Idiots like me!!
If you own a Node License - check out Peakmonsters Node License Hosting Service!! Free for the first 6 Weeks!!
Now - onto the "Grain Forecast"... and what I think is going to happen to Grain, the Plots and... Workers... in Land 1.75 and Land 2.0...
Ok everyone, as we have seen in the Land Trad Hub... Grain has DOUBLED in price... jumping from `160 Grain per DEC to 75 Grain per DEC with the announcement of Land 1.75 being close to release and the effects that will have on Supply...
Currently - any Plot can produce Grain... which you need to feed your Workers...
Look at Joey Chestnut go... Sweet baby Jesus...
Anyways... in Land 1.75, which is "Land REALSoon"... That changes dramatically!! Land 1.75 is where we will see the addition of the other Basic Resources which are:
That by itself isn't going to drive prices of Grain crazy so what's the big deal... well remember... right now ANY Plot can have a Grain Farm... with L1.75...
That's right!!! Of the 14 Terrains... only Bog, Lake, Plains and River will be able to have Grain Farms!!
On top of that... Demand is going to DRAMATICALLY INCREASE due to the needs of the workers who are now gathering Ore/Stone/Wood!!!
So... take a guess as to what Price will do... I am thinking UP!!
But if Grain Supply is going to go DOWN and Price is probably going to go UP... what do you think will happen to the corresponding PLOT PRICES?!?!
Yeah... you might want to stock up on your Bogs, Lakes, Plains and Rivers!!! In fact... go see how many Legendary Natural Bog/Lake/Plains/Rivers there are for sale right now... here I'll show you:
Ok... well... if you think that's something... REMEMBER!! Workers are of Limited Supply too!!! Chaos Legion may seem like an Unlimited Worker Base... but it isn't... to properly maximize your Plots... you need the "best" workers and by best... I mean Highest PP for the Slot... for the Price...
For Chaos Legion, that is of course... the Gold Foil Legendary! Then the GF Epic... etc...
A plot with 5 Commons will have 5,000 PP... The same Plot with 5 GF Legendaries will have 50,000 PP or 10x Production!!
SO?!? What do you mean SO?!?!?!
If those cards are the BEST cards... and people are going to want to MAX OUT their Grain PP (kek)... then the corresponding Workers with a BOOST are probably going to fetch TOP DOLLAR!!!
In fact... go check on the prices of Gold Foil Epics from Chaos Legion and CL Reward... they were like $2.85 a few weeks ago...
If you want to know WHY they've jumped... THAT IS WHY. The High Yield Worker supply is DRYING UP... Land 1.75 and Survival Mode are straining the SUPPLY of even Chaos Legion!!
Finally... as a Captaindingus special for all those who actually read these... remember... if Bog/Lake/Plains/River are the Grain Producing Lands... and they'll probably see a big jump in value post Land 1.75... then the same thing will probably happen to the WORKERS... which are:
I expect to see sharp increases in the "Big PP" Workers for:
Water Splinter - 10% PP Boost for Bog/Lake/River (3 Terrain Types)
Earth Splinter - 10% PP Boost for Lake/River (2 Terrain Types)
Life Splinter - 10% PP Boost for Plains (1 Terrain Type)
Death Splinter - 10% PP Boost for Bog (1 Terrain Type)
Dragon Splinter - 10% PP Boost for Plains (1 Terrain Type)
I hope this helps you plan accordingly - whatever your plans may be!! This is not financial advice and is most certainly 100% SPECULATION on my part...
Good luck you guys... I have more for next time... but that's for the future!! Make sure you follow to see that post and more!!
That's it folks, we've reached the end of the Land Update!! I shall continue to refine these as we go along and I look forward to reading your feedback in the comments!!

Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!

Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!
They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!
If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!
You can sign up here: Splinterlands
Just like my other posts, I have set the Rewards here to payout 50/50 with 50% being Powered Up Hive and the other 50% being $HBD... which I am going to use to purchase more Splinterlands Assets - cards/lands/$SPS and others!!
Cheers 🍻,
- CaptainDingus
#Splinterlands #Land #Hive #play2earn #web3 #NFTGaming #Rebellion #Conflicts
Nice thorough summary here. Thanks for compiling all this info!
Thanks Duce - I think Land is about to take the next step due to Cryptomancers hard work!
Agreed that getting CM working on land is a huge benefit to that part fo the game. I'm still not a huge fan of idle gaming like land, but if there is profit to make I guess I need to keep up with the Joneses and get my share through my limited amount of plots. I find it difficult to prioritize buying high PP cards when I could be spending that same DC buying A/B/U max monsters to play in my competitive Wild/tournament deck.
Nice post
The both grain plots i bought from you are almost up and running... NEED MORE GRAIN 🤣🤣
I love it!! I need more Grain... MORE GRAIN!!!!!!