Rarity: COMMON
Element: NEUTRAL
Attack: RANGED
Abilities: Swiftness at level 5
When Chaos legion first launched, Supply Runner was one of the cards I knew I needed to have, especially at level 5. Being a common, this means you can utilize this card and it's very beneficial ability 'Swiftness' which it gains at level 5. This is very effective in the competitive Silver levels, Gold, and beyond.
Swiftness grants all your monsters +1 speed which is key when it comes to builds dodging and evading damage, as well as attacking before your opponent. While gaining additional stats in later levels for damage, health, and speed, the Swiftness is the key break point for this card with the ability to buff your entire team. Enough talk, time for the battle...
I challenged my oppenent in the Gold league for which my cards are not optimized, but the increased daily rewards in Gold vs. Silver makes the jump worth it. My opponent had been playing Yodin which I knew would require a fast team with the ability to reduce the opponent's ranged damage. That's where Quix the Devious comes in which reduces the opponents ranged damage as well as speed which helps cement my strategy to destroy them before they can benefit from Yodin's ranged damage buff and blast damage, which also damages monsters next to the one attacked. Unfortunately for me, they ended up choosing a different summoner, Drake of Arnak, which granted their team +1 Armor. As you can see, their lineup did not mesh well with my Yodin hard counter selection which was chosen to strike first and hard as well as increasing my teams chances to dodge the opponents attacks.
The Lineup:
Position 1: Harklaw
Purpose: Main Tank
Position 2: Djinn Muriat
Purpose: Secondary Tank
Position 3: Boogeyman
Purpose: Speed Reduction for opponent/Damage
Position 4: Lira the Dark
Purpose: Damage Dealer/Swiftness
Position 5: Supply Runner
Purpose: Swiftness
Position 6: Sandworm
Purpose: Damage Dealer
No luck here. As we can see after the first round, my team is struggling against the opponent's, even with the battle condition for Weak Magic which allows armor to absorb magic attacks. It is going to be a tough fight, but I have high hopes seeing they brought a lower level rare summoner vs. mine and many of my cards are higher level!
Round 1: We have taken much heavier damage than our opponent. Even though we haven't lost any monsters, the next round will be bloody.
Round 2: After round 2, we have taken out our opponent's healer, but our team has taken heavier losses. Our Harklaw, Boogeyman, and Sandworm have fallen. The Supply Runner still stands though providing Swiftness to our remaining stalwart defenders!
Round 3: After round 3 it's not looking good. If the last tank Djinn Muriat falls, my remaining ranged monster cannot attack from the first position.
Round 4: Defeat. Our speed advantange was not enough to triumph over the enemy team. They had too much health and armor to withstand our first strike and we didn't dodge enough attacks to make a difference.
Summary: I'm not abandoning Supply Runner even though the additional speed didn't win this match. That is the great thing about Splinterlands, the varying rule sets and teams make each battle unique, and even like in the above battle, the lower level opponent won out against my higher level summoner and cards!
Carry on Summoners! I would still recommend Supply Runner to anyone wanting to build fast, first strike teams!
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