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For some time now I have been creating constant content about "Splinterlands", taking as main focus on strategies and the use of some skills and/or rules in order to increase our win rate, these are accompanied by an alignment where I show a clear example of my battle formation and how you should replicate it for your benefit.
So, in this opportunity, I intend to do something different, since, I see very little information about it, so, it is something that new players need to be able to move forward and give their best regardless of their "Collection Power" and the league they are playing, for that reason I will be publishing some posts, to cover a set of existing rules that intertwine in a certain way and recommend some combinations that, under my experience have worked for me in the same to come out victorious.
I must emphasize that this is only my opinion and that it is based on the number of battles I have played, however, my recommendation and the best way to test a combination and realize that it works, is getting experience playing day by day.

This rule is one of the ones I like to play the most in Splinterlands, since, in my opinion, it's all about having a real frontal power and attack neutralization strategy or at least, to decrease the impact damage. So, taking this into account, this rule grants all monsters on the field with the "Melee" attack type, the ability to attack from any position, in short, all our cards will be focused on attacking directly to the card in first position (Tank) of our opponent. Something great, because all the power is concentrated in a single point, causing lethal damage to whoever cannot take advantage of it correctly.
Possible Combinations

Now, there are some combinations to be able to face the threat posed by cards with a melee attack from our opponent, so, taking this into account, the first thing is that we must use is a summoner that, increases the "Melee" attack or otherwise decreases it, this would give us the opportunity to increase our maximum damage or decrease the possible damage and attack power of our opponent's set.

On the other hand, we can use cards with specific abilities so that our opponent causes damage to himself when attacking, for example, we can place as "Tank" a card with a good "Shield" score and with the "Thorns" ability, causing -2 points of damage to the attacking monster, likewise, we can use this to place a card in the last position and in this way be protected on both sides (our front and back line). On the other hand, we can use cards with the "Opportunity and Sneak" abilities to weaken our opponent's back line and his weakest cards to avoid a high impact.

Another very interesting rule that I also like to play a lot, being practically the opposite of "Melee Mayhem", which focuses on all monsters with "melee" attacks attacking the card in the first position. Now, with "Super Sneak", all monsters on the field, regardless of their attack type, will gain the ability to "Sneak", giving all monsters on the field the ability to attack the last card in the lineup of both players.
Possible Combinations

There are good combinations for this rule that will help us to increase the odds of winning the battle. The first thing to keep in mind is that, ideally, we should use a summoner called "Mylor Crowling" as long as we can use the "Earth Splinter", if this is not the case, we should use summoners that increase or decrease our melee attack, in order to either increase our attack power, or decrease that of our opponent.

On the other hand, the ideal is to place a card with a large amount of shield in the last position, or that possess the abilities called (Thorns, heal or Retaliate) preferably, this will help to have an incredible resistance in the last position, besides causing a possible battle damage to the cards of our opponent that attack the last position, in this way, we can increase our chances of winning and be victorious sticking to what the rule dictates.

This rule is closely related to the previous ones, however, it has its slight differences, even so, the important thing to know about this rule is that it focuses on both players using monsters with the type of attack "Close to Close", taking into account that you can not use any other type of card that does not have these characteristics. Otherwise, all the abilities can be used, so we must think very well how to play, since we can focus our formation to have an "Offensive" only, or on the contrary, we can dedicate ourselves to defend while our opponent does damage to himself, while the rest of our cards attack.
Possible Combinations

There are several combinations that we can make, which do not differ much from what is recommended in the previous rules, however, as I mentioned above, we have the possibility of deciding whether to dedicate ourselves to "Attack" only or to "Defend and Attack" at the same time. So, the first thing is that, if we have the possibility to choose our "Earth Splinter", the ideal is that we use the summoner "Mylor Crowling", if this is not the case, we use a summoner that increases or reduces the melee attack, it all depends on our availability of summoners.

On the other hand, if we have a more offensive approach, is to use a good resistant battle tank with good shield points and if possible with the ability "Heal", also, we can use cards with the skills (Reach, Opportunity, Sneak). Finally, for a more defensive approach, we can use cards with the abilities (Thorns and Retaliate) in the first and last position, this will increase the chances that our monsters will suffer great battle damage, while the rest of our team attacks with (Sneak, Opportunity and Reach).
I hope this post helps to understand the important confluence that exists between the battle rules, the monsters and their abilities, as well as the possible combinations that we can execute to increase our chances of winning. On the other hand, I want to clarify that, this is a 1st post related to the combinations of our monsters, skills and battle rules, so, week after week, I will make a post with 3 new rules and their possible combinations.
In this 1st post, I wanted to focus on rules that had to do with the type of attack "melee" which is one of the most important to take into account in the game, that's why the choice of the rules (Melee Mayhem, Super Sneak and Up Close and Personal), as these are closely related taking into account that its main use has to do with the type of attack mentioned above.
I hope it will be of much help and see you in the next one...
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