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RE: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update

in #splinterlands5 years ago

The more I think about this Collection Power update, the more I dislike the way it is implemented.

To start, there is no such thing as a silver level card or a gold level collection and so on. If someone manages to reach high levels with certain cards than they deserve to be in those leagues. I don't know any game that completely disregards skill and puts 'how much money has been spent' as a wall.

Psychology and dopamine levels are completely disregarded. New players pay 10$ for the summoners Spellbook and get stuck on Bronze 3 right from the getgo with the game instantly shouting at them to give more money. That simply doesn't come across well and doesn't fly. There is no sense of progression whatsoever. Working toward a goal and seeing progression is one of the things that makes a game fun and addictive, there is none of that with this new update which only makes players feel like they get punished.

Why not just lower/change the rewards and give a bonus to players based on their collection value, That's a positive incentive instead of a negative one and allows everyone to climb as high as they can. Make it harder to climb the ladder by removing heavy win streak bonus points. If anything, the fact that it's easy to climb to higher leagues with a lower-level collection has the game design to blame, not the players.

Something that can also be done to lower the rewards that are given out while still giving players the dopamine from getting rewards is to work with rewards meters that fill up over time and once it's full a ceratin reward they worked toward gets unlocked like a ΛZMΛRÉ Dice pack or a legendary card. This gives a sense of progression and motivation to work toward that goal each time.

The only real thing the current update says is 'give us more money' which will have the opposite effect. Allow players to play without punishing them, make it so that the standard rewards are fair based on the players their collection value and make them fun especially for players who just started and bought the summoner's spellbook. Add certain one-time rewards for new players to work toward for completing certain milestones like an exclusive legendary card that only can be acquired after getting the summoner's spellbook and having played 1000 games. Reward players with extra rewards based on how big of a collection they have in a fair manner.

The game is actually good enough and doesn't need to be all about the rewards and the returns players/bots can get on their investment.

I think the only one reply being thoughtful. What you say all is only describing many manifestations of one problem.

I wrote plenty of replies here, and I believe that following your reply I succeed in getting to solution:
