
I think you aren't getting any sps from yours because you're not running any licenses and you're way down the list so you're most likely not validating any blocks.
I am at 132 on the list atm and I maybe only validate 1 or 2 blocks every now and then (not necessarily even once a day).Hey @cryptoace33 . First off yes I am getting sps from my node.

So yeah , that's why you won't be getting any sps.

Also you might want to leave the API field blank if it's not pointing to your own node. I would imagine pointing to someone else's api wouldn't be looked at kindly by most others. So you might want to change that.

Thanks for replying - I will take you advice -

I let peakmonsters host my license and am now getting rewards - I guess hosting a node on my own will not work

Hmmm ... well it's kind of difficult to answer that really.

It pretty depends on what you want to do.
At the moment , the way they've set things up , staking your licenses on peakmonsters is pretty much the same as running a node , rewards wise anyways.

And running your own node (at home presumably) would mean you would have to have a spare pc that you can leave on 24/7.

So yeah ... in the end , I don't know how to answer that question.

I mean you can if you really want to , but is it worth it? Atm not really , but who knows how things will play out in the future.

And what I mean by not really atm , b/c of the price SPS is currently at , you're pretty much better off just buying SPS if getting more SPS is the goal.

Hmm ... that's probably about the best I know how to answer that right now.

Hopefully that helps :)