Very clear. Well done! You guys have been doing a great job on transparency and keeping people informed as to how this all works. Much appreciated!! Congrats on the success so far and, for the most part, flawless delivery. I can only imagine the amount of work you all have had to do behind the scenes with the massive explosion of users. 😃
One thing I might suggest: if and when the 6M public sale packs sell out and the 6M available for bulk have not, you may consider carving it out piecemeal. In other words, if individual sales hit the 6M and there are 2.5M packs left on the bulk side, you may want to just offer up 500k or 1M to the public and reduce the other side by the same amount. I am just picturing a scenario where it will look like there are 2.5M packs on sale to the public and then in the blink of an eye, they're gone because you sold them to a bulk purchaser. Something like that happening, while technically being something people should realize is a possibility, might create some headaches and angst among the "public" if it happens all at once. Just a thought. You guys certainly don't need my help on any of this. 🤣
Keep up the great work!!!