Maybe figure out a way to make buying quest potions worthwhile again. I just did the math. Basically its $200 to buy 115 potions (100+15 bonus). If you're playing Gold League, that means you'll get an extra 575 cards in using them all. At a 1.5% drop rate, that would mean you could expect roughly 9 Chaos Legion packs dropped in those 575 cards. That's $36 of value for those potions. You obviously have the chance to increase the value significantly by the cards you pull in the packs, but that's still a loooonngg way to go to justify paying $200.
I know you're just implementing these changes so you have no real data on how they will work, but I think it's something to consider.
Also, how will these dropped packs that won't be eligible for the airdrops impact the tiers for airdrops? If you drop a million packs, will the final airdrop just get added to the 2nd to last one? Or are you thinking there's no way you'll drop a million packs? Just curious...
Love the changes being worked on and looking forward to the better rewards!
Excellent point about those people who've gotten lots of packs in anticipation of future airdrops. A fair chunk disappearing from the supply (slowly, over time...) does increase the scarcity, but on the other hand, probably also accelerates sales for the team with a fair number of people to just outright buy more packs as they fomo into the new airdrops...