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RE: Splinterlands Team: My Thoughts On Survival Mode

in #splinterlands4 months ago

@mondroid I'm sorry to hear you are thinking this way, and sadly I've heard it from other players over the last few days as well.

While I still have hope that the team will figure it out (or I wouldn't be wasting my breath), I can understand that everyone has their own patience threshold.

I made the post to highlight the issues I see, and try to help @yabapmatt see what others are relaying to me. Hopefully it will be heard and the communication on the topic much more focused in the coming days and weeks. I do think its important to discuss as many people are reading it the way you are reading it.

I know we've lost so many people over the years on these issues and each time it breaks my heart to know that it could've been stopped with better communication. I'm glad you are communicating, and hopefully you don't make any decisions until more details are fleshed out and revisions to handle issues are made.

Thanks for the comment @mondroid and thank you for being a highly-respected and big player in the game for a very long time!!!


I'm hearing this exact same sentiment from a LOT of long term andvery invested PLAYERS at this time. The amount actually surprises me. This mode has the potential to push a considerable amount of loyal platyers out of the game. This would not only be devastating to our remaining, dwindling community, but have the opposite effect on card value that Matt hopes for by launching this mode. You are right that communication is VITAL at this point, and we can only hope that this need is heeded from the team. All too often we hear crickets at times like these between THs.